Forum: Queensland |
Topic: On the topic of parts |

Location: Colac, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
On the topic of parts
Fri, 09 August 2002 04:09
just posting this here as well for a few of the bits i have here in briz up for grabs
32 DIR downdraft weber + 2T manifold ( adaptor plate etc ) rebuilt + ready to go - $100 bux
2x45mm weber trumpets - chrome - in VGC $ 50 for the pair
Anyone willing to help me take these off my hands ?
All money goes to the " mighty bumpstick" installation , and doing QLD Celicas proud at The Toyota nationals at dubbo next easter !
Topic: autocross this sunday |
Location: Redbank Plains,near Ipswi...
Registered: May 2002
autocross this sunday
Thu, 21 November 2002 11:04

my daughter megan is running her race T18 (4Ag, close ratio box etc etc) at autocross at willowbank this sunday. all day affair if anyone wants to come out. track is on left off champions way, just before Qld raceway. several toyotas usually compete. look for red T18 , white bedford car transporter, or call 0417-687161. terry
Topic: automotive tap and die set ?? |

Banned member
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
automotive tap and die set ??
Fri, 07 February 2003 08:14

anybody have an automotive tap and die set that i might be able to borrow for 5 minutes ??...i just need to rest the thread on the end of a pitman arm, im in ferny hills brisbane
if not i would buy one if anybody has one for sale else i will get a new one

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: October 2002
Topic: foe ppl looking for RA28 |
Location: bris
Registered: February 2003
foe ppl looking for RA28
Thu, 17 April 2003 23:38

i was scouring through the trading post, as i normally do, and notived a 2 RA28 celicas in the 'hot and custom car' section (i think, will check later)
just mentioned it as i know a few ppl are looking for old school celicas
Topic: 4AGE 20V headers |
Registered: May 2003
4AGE 20V headers
Thu, 01 May 2003 01:14

Morning all
Can anyone tell me is there a market for my halfcut 20V headers, and roughly what price will they get ?
Reason for question.... If yes and price is fair, I will offer them for sale, and cut a new flange (or a batch if demand exists) for my 4-1's......if not I will cut the flange of factory pipes and make my 4-1's ........ and dump the leftovers.
Paul H
Topic: 3tgteu - Any descent ones for sale? |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2003
Topic: Cruise up the mountain on 2nd August |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: March 2003
Topic: Light blue mini mustang?? |

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Light blue mini mustang??
Fri, 24 October 2003 07:33

Who owns a light blue mini mustang on the northside? Rego ***.GFX???
I seem to be seeing a lot more Toyos around here these days, might have to place some flyers on the windows
Topic: Au Starlet Club Qld Cruise Saturday 6th December 2003 |
Registered: August 2002
Au Starlet Club Qld Cruise Saturday 6th December 2003
Mon, 01 December 2003 15:10

AU Starlet Club Queensland Cruise to Mount Tamborine to Coast
Date: Saturday 6th December 2003
About the cruise:
The cruise is orienated towards all owners of Toyota Starlets to come along for a cruise. However, anyone else is welcome to come along in their own cars, we have a few people coming from the redlinegti swift club as well for the day. At the moment we have almost 20 cars confirmed so be certain to come along for a great cruise. Also, a photographer from Fast Fours is coming on this cruise to get photos of member's cars for an article on the AU Starlet Club so be certain to get your car looking good for any photo opportunities!
Cruise details:
We will be meeting around 2:30pm at the Springwood McDonald's with a 3:00pm sharp leave for the cruise. We will first go down to Yatala BP for a fuel stop and to get food/drinks for the cruise. After this we will cruise up Mount Tamborine where we will stop for a while and then cruise back down to the Coast for the night. To view the more detailed and finalised cruise route along with more information about the cruise please click on the link below. 06_12_03/06_12_03_starletcruise.doc
To view the map with locations marked in accordance with the cruise details from the above link please visit the following URLs. The first one is for the larger version and the second is a smaller version that can be printed although text quality won't be the best. 06_12_03/maplarge.jpg 06_12_03/mapsmall.jpg
For anyone that has a UHF we will be using channel 27 for this cruise, if you don't have a UHF now is a good time to get one as it becomes very handy on a cruise like this one to help keep us together as a group and keep updated on information on the cruise.
The main contact people for the cruise are Lee Haskings (main organiser) who can be emailed at or call on 0438 981907. The other contact is Jamie Leavy who can be emailed at or call on 0421 796910.
If the links aren't working just either visit our website or email for a copy of the map or cruise details.
AU Starlet Club
Topic: Nathan and the Gold colored RA28 |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2003
Topic: saturday nite - or go out? |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Topic: Maroon TA22 (025-CAT) |

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Maroon TA22 (025-CAT)
Mon, 02 February 2004 07:26

Anyone here know this car or own it? I saw it and a RA23 driving north on Sandgate Road this afternoon. Nice cars
Topic: any 1 in bris got a MX83 cressida wit a 1jz gte? |
Location: brisbane
Registered: February 2004
any 1 in bris got a MX83 cressida wit a 1jz gte?
Sun, 15 February 2004 02:27

hey ppls im considering a MX83 with a 1jz conversion as my next car and was wondering if someone had 1 in bris or surrounding areas id be able to have a look at and chat to the owner:)
Topic: Post Interstate Events Only |

Forum Moderator
Location: Toymods
Registered: February 2004
Post Interstate Events Only
Wed, 10 March 2004 05:07

This section is for interstate events and meets only.
Parts, Cars for Sale, Tech questions or any other topics need to be posted in the appropriate section NOT in this one.
If this continues to be abused then it will result in the interstate sections being removed.
Topic: Starlets In Brisbane? |
Location: Brisbane Australia
Registered: March 2004
Starlets In Brisbane?
Fri, 02 April 2004 15:06

Are there any Starlets GTs meetup recently happening in Brisbane?
Topic: Tip Top Titles- Whos going?? |

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: April 2004
Tip Top Titles- Whos going??
Mon, 19 April 2004 10:27

Just wondering if anyone else is going to the tip top titles at willowbank this saturday?? It should be a good day.
For more information check out
Topic: Cruise Tonight!! |

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: April 2004
Cruise Tonight!!
Fri, 23 April 2004 07:01

If anyone wants to go for a cruise tonight??
Ill be at BP Yatala at 8ish so come and say hello and have a good night out

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Wed, 05 May 2004 12:55

hi i'm not sure how many of you know about lake side race way, but it was closed down a few years ago and is not currently owned by the pine rivers shire i believe, help us get it reopened or if you would like to make a more active roll, help us get our raceway back!!!
Topic: Rolla Club turns 2!!! |

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: April 2004
Rolla Club turns 2!!!
Fri, 14 May 2004 02:46

Rollaclub turns 2 on the 6th of June 2004 !!!
At this stage it (bbq & 2nd birthday cruise) will be on Sunday the 6th of June
Matt & Simon have scouted a run out to Hinze dam and we will be having a BBQ.
The following members will be coming along to help us celebrate.
Doug & Tribe
Woodstok (Ben) & Kylie
Exact times for cruise have't been worked out yet, but here is what you need to bring.
* Yourself
* Your Car
* An esky or cold-bag with your own meat (snags, steaks, kebabs etc) and something to drink.
What I will be supplying (enough for everyone):
* Cups, Plates, Knives & Forks (Disposable)
* Paper Towel & Trays for cooked meat
* Bread
* Margarine & Tomato sauce
* Cooking oil.
* Cooking Implements (Tongs, Knives etc)
Hope to see everyone there !
taken from
Topic: Potential event dates |
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Potential event dates
Fri, 20 August 2004 11:17

can youz add known event dates to the thread so we don't double book ourselves?
Sat 21 August
Sat 28 August
Wed 1 September
Sat 4 September
18-19 September.
Toyota Car Club Aust. (Qld)
Dyno Day & Show & Shine
FIST Performance & Audio, Wacol
Sun 5 September
VIP Car club
Sat 4 October.
unknown mob
gold-coast cruise
(organiser = shahramATbigpondDOTnetDOTau)
Sun 29 August
Celica Invasion
autobarn burleigh head
(organiser = <wanna trd>)
?? September
(this is what i've scoured from these forums, but am sure there are other events ...)
Topic: Want to come along to this? - 4 Sept |
Location: Brisbane
Registered: September 2004
Want to come along to this? - 4 Sept
Fri, 03 September 2004 02:33

Hey guys,
I know this is really late notice, but I only registered today.
A couple of mates and I are going for a drive up through the mountains tomorrow and going to finish up the coast with some food and a chat. Not many people are coming, probably 7 or 8 at the most, mainly friends etc.
We almost all drive Mazda's though, so a little friendly rivalry would be fun (and so we can lay the smack down on you , only kidding... or am I?) . The thread is here
You can register and add to that post... or this one, or email me... or just log onto MSN, my address is
Either way, have fun.
Topic: street torque |

Location: Gold Coast
Registered: September 2004
street torque
Thu, 30 September 2004 05:58

i was goin to this car show on saturday and sunday and was wondering if anyone else was goin.
its at parklands and its 25 bucks for the 2 days.
anyone else goin along?
Topic: State Events Only - Final Warning |

Toymods Vice President
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Topic: BWCP run TONIGHT {23/10} |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
BWCP run TONIGHT {23/10}
Sat, 23 October 2004 07:35

i wanna go for a run to the bwcp tonight, at indy time all the cops are in cavill, none on the road, tis fun, the spit is interesting too
if i dont get interest i will just go by myself
lets say meet at springwood ikea at 7, leave at 7.30
0405 131728
Topic: SE QLD Track day, Saturday, Darlington Park |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2003
Topic: CES Dyno Day |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
CES Dyno Day
Thu, 18 November 2004 01:28

Trevor + Leslie
CES Racing Systems
Unit 2 78 Nester Drive
Meadowbrook QLD 4131
ph: (07) 3200 2333 fax: (07) 3200 2344
CES Website
Email :
If anyone is keen to come to a Show and Shine / Dyno Day at the above shop on Satuday the 20th November.
The day is for the release of a new exhaust developed by CES for the Corolla Sportivos ZZE-123.
post from organiser on forum
I have two judges who will in no way be biased towards me and if anything be harder on my car than the rest. Judging guidelines have been drawn up for Saturday and we can also use them for future events as well. A standard car has as much chance of winning a trophy as a modified car. Points aren't awarded for mods or the amount of but more so for the condition of the interior and cleanliness of interior for example. So if you spend the time to clean your car then you have as much of a chance as everyone else to win.
I have also got a variety of prizes for various other categories as well.Thanks to RBT Detailing and Motorsport for sponsoring the trophies and for Autobarn Logan City and JB hi fi Kedron for prizes as well. Last but not least a big thank you to Trevor from CES for opening his workshop up to us and letting us use his facilities for the day. If you come please thank Trevor for his efforts as he really didn't have to open on a Saturday as he normally doesn't.
So stop talking and get cleaning and you may be the one who goes home with the goodies!
Cheers SILVABULLIT biggrin.gif
So please come along and say g'day
Topic: Planned cruises? |

Toymods Club Treasurer
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Planned cruises?
Fri, 19 November 2004 02:27

I'll be back in mu home town of Brissie between 14th & 30th December.
Are there any cruises/events planned between these times?
I would like to meet up with some of you to check out the "scene"
Topic: Final Round of the QRC |
Registered: May 2004
Topic: Who going out tongiht? |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2004
Who going out tongiht?
Thu, 10 February 2005 08:46

anyone here coming out tonight? Me and some mates are meet ppl from at milton maccas. Hopefully see some TA's, and RA's out.
Topic: monaro cruise at easter {powercruise} |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Topic: Spotlight - sunshine coast, if anyones interested |
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Spotlight - sunshine coast, if anyones interested
Fri, 04 March 2005 02:21

Ok a few of my mates are having a game of spotlight on chambers island on the 18th of march. Its not really car related and not many people live up there but i thought ild post anyway cause the more the merrier.
if you dont know wat spotlight is , its bascialy running around in the dark with a torch. use to play it when i was a kid and it seemed fun then so might as well do it now were old and grey
Topic: Gold Coast Cruise tonight 4/3/05 |

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2004
Gold Coast Cruise tonight 4/3/05
Fri, 04 March 2005 03:55

okay, so anyone interested in a cruise to the coast tonight? meet around beenleigh, at about 7, of if anyone is from up brisway, we can meet up here, then drive to beenleigh.. pm me, and i'll give ya my mob number, anyone welcome, not just toyotas, tell ya mates
Topic: motorkhana - hsccq - april 10 |
Registered: April 2005
motorkhana - hsccq - april 10
Wed, 13 April 2005 10:12

Hi people,
for anyone interested here's a link to some pics I took at the hsccq motorkhana I went and had a go at last sunday. I'd say they are slightly more organised and competitive than the cooloola event but still a very fun day! 31 competitors were running and we completed 7 tests and had 2 runs of each (the best of the two runs counted toward your total time) /

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Thu, 02 June 2005 12:12

i need a lift to the drifting this saturday, if need be, i can pick u up and take u there on sunday tho
Location: gold coast
Registered: November 2004
Mon, 08 August 2005 04:48

taken from boost, a few starlets n gti's will be going
Date of Cruise - 14th August
Meeting Spots -
Cabolture BP - Big Pinapple Carpark -Mapelton - Dam
Meeting Times - T.b.a
Destination - Baroon Pocket Dam
Approx Distance of Cruise - 100km? from Cabolture BP
What to Bring - Sense of Humor , Sunscreen and UHF
Attendee List
LaNceRPeM69 Justin - 2004 Lancer
Dave (Brother) Astra SRI - Confirmed
JPR45 Jay (Room-mate) - Skyline - Confirmed
Jays Mate - Skyline GT4 - Confirmed
Shepi - Supra - Sold his car haha
GAZ24 - GSR - Confirmed
Shane - Nissan Exa - Confirmed
dvlracer888 - Excel - Confirmed
Black_S13 - S13 - ??
vx_jwg - Commo - Confirmed
Theliner - Skyline - ??
Another Local S13 - Confirmed
60RGS - WRX - Pending interior ??
fearless - GT Starlet - Confirmed TY
fearless' friend - Swift?? - Confirmed
007_bob_babe - Not Sure - ??
Jusdrifn 86 - DriftPig ??
Looking good Guys
Hi Guys, just wanting to gauge interest been wanting to do a cruise to this dam for a while, there is great bbq area and sick drive with the classic understeer corners thru the top of the range. Only enough parking for 20-25 but parking on the road is possible.
We will be meeting firstly depending on how many of you "brissy" people want to come up at Cabolture BP. Thats about as far south i am prepared to go lol. Then we will stop at Big Pinapple to regroup from there we will head to Mapelton for a Stop and then on to the Dam for lunch.
Perfect Photo Oppurtunity for "You" and your car when we arrive at the dam, and some look outs along the way.
If your interested plz post up, if im slow gettin back to you its cause work has banned me from the internet lol
Anyways any input is great
Topic: BAS or Willowbank 29 Oct? |
Location: Coalstoun Lakes
Registered: November 2004
BAS or Willowbank 29 Oct?
Tue, 25 October 2005 14:06
I'm most likely heading to Brisbane for Saturday, and my current plans are to go to Brisy Auto Salon for the morning (until 3pm or so) and then head to Willowbank for the Test and Tune, to give me rolla (AE102, manual, completly stock) a maiden run 
I was wondering if any toymods people are heading to either event (especially fellow rolla owners to willowbank )
I haven't been able to find anything about starting time, cost or venue for BAS yet though :S