Forum: Victoria |
Topic: Post Interstate Events Only |

Forum Moderator
Location: Toymods
Registered: February 2004
Post Interstate Events Only
Wed, 10 March 2004 05:07
This section is for interstate events and meets only.
Parts, Cars for Sale, Tech questions or any other topics need to be posted in the appropriate section NOT in this one.
If this continues to be abused then it will result in the interstate sections being removed.

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Topic: What happened to your interstate threads - answers within. |

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
What happened to your interstate threads - answers within.
Wed, 13 October 2004 05:26

There are a large number of threads popping up with everyone wanting to know what has happened with the threads from the Vic & SA sections.
For the answers, please read the following thread: h=48133&start=0&rid=883&S=e5db93127426 871e1877ab77ded513aa
If you want to make any commentss, suggestions, complaints etc please post in the TOYMODS MEMBERSHIP AND FEEDBACK section as this section is for interstate cruises and events only.
Continual posting of non-event/cruise threads will result in complete removal of your state's section, and possible bannings.
If you have a specific question that does not require public viewing, please email
Topic: calder tomorrow night? |
Location: Castlemaine Vic
Registered: November 2002
calder tomorrow night?
Thu, 31 March 2005 07:29

anyone else keen on going to calder tomorrow night?
im taking the rolla down for abit of fun, not expecting a good time or anything, just fun
Topic: Maserati Annual GP track Day 10th this Sunday |

Location: Melbourne
Registered: January 2003
Topic: Monday Cruise to Lorne GOR + BBQ -25th!!! Tomorrow |

Registered: April 2005
Topic: cruise sat |

Registered: April 2004
cruise sat
Thu, 05 May 2005 10:21

All cars Welcome
Strictly mature Driver's only and by this we mean, these tips and Guidelines 053
When : Sat 7 of may
Time : Meet 8:00 leave: 9:15pm (sharp)
Where : Pier 35, Fishermans Bend, Port Melbourne
What to bring: some fuel and a cb if you have one
hope to see you there
Gold coin donation to cover Map cost
Give away: 5LT oil for random car on the night
ooo and it on the same night as ccc so no commos hahaha
link 068
Topic: Fulllock drift calendar. |

Location: Melbourne.
Registered: June 2002
Fulllock drift calendar.
Tue, 24 May 2005 00:09

11 :: VIC :: FLM :: Twilight Drift :: Calder Park
13 :: NSW :: DL :: Driftland Off Street Masters :: Oran Park
21 :: QLD :: DZ :: Q1 :: Queensland Raceway
21 :: NSW :: FDD :: Training Day :: Oran Park
27 :: NSW :: DL :: Driftland Off Street Masters :: Oran Park
28 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Wakefield Park
04 :: QLD :: FLM :: Drift Nationals :: Queensland Raceway
05 :: QLD :: FLM :: Drift Nationals :: Queensland Raceway
10 :: NSW :: DL :: Driftland Off Street Masters :: Oran Park
11 :: TAS :: FLM :: Driftmania :: Baskerville
12 :: TAS :: FLM :: Driftmania :: Symmons Plains
15 :: VIC :: FLM :: Twilight Drift :: Calder Park
18 :: SA :: Drift Practice :: Mallala
18 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Eastern Creek
19 :: WA :: TM :: Drift Training Day :: Collie Motorplex
20 :: WA :: GS :: Drift Competition :: Collie Motorplex
25 :: NSW :: FDD :: Training Day :: Oran Park
02 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Wakefield Park
03 :: SA :: PSi :: G1 :: Mallala
13 :: VIC :: FLM :: Twilight Drift :: Calder Park
23 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Oran Park
06 :: SA :: DA :: Drift Battle :: Mallala
07 :: SA :: DA :: Drift Battle :: Mallala
13 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Wakefield Park
11 :: QLD :: DZ :: Q1 :: Queensland Raceway
17 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Wakefield Park
24 :: VIC :: FLM :: VicDrift Series :: Winton
24 :: NSW :: FDD :: Training Day :: Oran Park
30 :: WA :: WASCC :: Drift Competition :: Barbagallo Raceway
03 :: SA :: PSi :: G1 :: Mallala
22 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Oran Park
12 :: VIC :: FLM :: Twilight Drift :: Calder Park
29 :: QLD :: DZ :: Q1 :: Queensland Raceway
29 :: NSW :: FLM :: Drift Nationals :: Oran Park
30 :: NSW :: FLM :: Drift Nationals :: Oran Park
05 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Wakefield Park
23 :: VIC :: FLM :: Twilight Drift :: Calder Park
26 :: NSW :: IDA :: D-Day :: Eastern Creek
26 :: NSW :: FDD :: Training Day :: Oran Park
10 :: VIC :: FLM :: Drift Nationals :: Calder Park
11 :: VIC :: FLM :: Drift Nationals :: Calder Park
18 :: QLD :: DZ :: Christmas Fun Day :: Queensland Raceway
21 :: VIC :: FLM :: Twilight Drift :: Calder Park
Topic: Melbourne Rotary Cruise (all cars/clubs welcome) Sunday, 11/09/05. |

Location: Beechworth
Registered: January 2005
Melbourne Rotary Cruise (all cars/clubs welcome) Sunday, 11/09/05.
Mon, 08 August 2005 00:52

Hey, Just thought i'd let everyone know about this cruise. All cars are invited.
Check out the link for more details. php?t=71117
I don't get onto this site much anymore, but, leave your username and car details if your keen for cruise, and i will let the organiser know.
Topic: heathcote test adn tune drags |
Location: melb
Registered: February 2004
heathcote test adn tune drags
Thu, 11 August 2005 13:55

a few mr2 members 8 at the moment are heading out to heathcote this sunday for some 1/4 mile drags.. if anyone is interested,pm me for more details
Topic: Any swap meets coming up.......? |
Location: Melbourne
Registered: August 2005
Any swap meets coming up.......?
Mon, 15 August 2005 03:40

Any swaps coiming up?
If so when are where and i'll be there....
hahaha it rhymes, im so cool
Topic: melb beach cruise.....sat 26th |
Registered: November 2005
melb beach cruise.....sat 26th
Wed, 23 November 2005 15:15

ey boys, HIGH OCTANE CRUISE CLUB is having a beach cruise for this saturday nite, 7:00pm meet at autobahn doncaster for a 8:10pm leave, will be heading to rye pier with a couple of mad stops along the way, its gonna be huge nite, summers here and should be beautiful weather for it, some awesome cars have planed to come down, so plz join in free maps included
cheers hope to see u all there
Topic: 1st Reckless Open Car Cruise |
Location: s.e suberbs
Registered: May 2004
1st Reckless Open Car Cruise
Sat, 03 December 2005 14:32

hey all its Team Reckless's 1st open cruise to all..
reckless is a mini car team created by me and my brother for us and friends and we decided we would have a open cruise to kick off our team =]
any wayyyy heres the details
What: Reckless Car Cruise
When: December 17, 9pm
Start: St Kilda Marina Car Park (behind BP)
Mid: Cruise Down Beach Road
Finish: Top Of Arthurs seat
bit of a muzza cruise but its open to all so u got some streights and some twistys hope to see you all there. Aj
Topic: WVCC Charity Cruise/Show & Shine 11th Dec |

Location: Vic
Registered: May 2002
WVCC Charity Cruise/Show & Shine 11th Dec
Sun, 04 December 2005 00:59
Anyone who isnt planning on going to the drift nats might want to check this out.
