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Registered: June 2003
interesting ct20 turbo varitations.
Sat, 13 December 2003 07:40
I have just spent the last day, yes, day, taking the oil cooled CT20 off my 3tgteu to replace it with a watercooled/non oil leaking ct20. upon removal i was heart broken, the watercooled ct20 was NOTHING like the oil cooled one, both had slightly different compressor housings and the exahust housings where nothing alike.
Oil Cooled version has a Larger exhuast wheel, by atleast 1.5mm
and what appears to also be a larger compressor(cant confirm yet till i take it apart as well) by 1-1.5mm also.
it also has a HUGE gap for the exahust to go through to the turbine were as the water cooled version has a very tiny track(whole housing is much smaller in fact)
now im quite confused, the water cooled version is the later version, so why does it have a smaller track to the turbine, a SMALLER exahust wheel and a SMALLER compressor wheel than my oil cooled ct20?
Also the Oil cooled version has quite a large crack where the wastegate hole is, how can I fix this as im going to use the oil cooled exhuast housing regardless cause its much. (main reason for taking turbo off is because with the new 3"er its overboosting above 3krpm)
whats combinations are better, eg, huge compreesor little exahust(nope!) or huge exhuast and little compressor(yep!)?
please reply if you are still reading !
ps. yes, they are BOTH ct20's not ct20b or anything like that.
[Updated on: Sat, 13 December 2003 07:40]
| Subject | Poster | Date |
interesting ct20 turbo varitations.
haydennz | Sat, 13 December 2003 07:40 |