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Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
18R-G tech help
Thu, 08 January 2004 13:36
Hey guys,
I've 'recently' got an 18R-G motor to go into my RA28 Celica, its all in, but we can't get it started. The motor used to belong to KiRK and Sbyder on this forum, and it has: Re-ground Cams, Big port/polish, Shaved head, Lightened/balanced crankshaft, Shot peened conrods, 4-2-1 Extractors, and possibly more, no one seems to know the exact extent of the modifications.
Everytime we try to start the motor, it turns over (sometimes reluctantly), compression locks sometimes, and sometimes shoots header flames. We reckon its the timing, but we have no idea what the timing should be set at. Can anyone take an educated guess of the timing based on the modifications mentioned above? It has a full tank of 98RON Premium fuel.
On a side note, is the firing order of an 18R-G 1-3-4-2, or 1-3-2-4, because its set at 1-3-4-2 at the moment.
If not the timing, can anyone else suggest any reasons why the motor's not starting?
Thanks for the help,
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: 18R-G tech help
Thu, 08 January 2004 13:52

sounds like timing is way out (header flames/pop/explosions says engine is firing when exhaust valve is open)
do a static time on it (gap points correctly if required, set piston 1 to TDC; rotate backwards to 10 degree mark on timing cover, manually rotate dizzi so points trigger piston 1 t fire) to set the basic timing to 10 degrees advance - anything should start with that
also, when i first fired up the turbo celica, it had major exhaust popping and refusal to run - turned out i had got the rotation in the dizzi wrong way around (3 & 2 were at wrong spot) so do a manual check on dizzi rotation and timing
1342 'looks' like correct order of firing by my Haynes celica manual but's way too late to be peering under the hood of my car - neighbors will think someone's trying to nick it.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: 18R-G tech help
Thu, 08 January 2004 13:52

Set it to 10 degrees BTDC static for now. Have you got the firing order in the correct direction, and do you have compression and new fuel?
Location: nth ringwood, Victoria
Registered: August 2002
Re: 18R-G tech help
Thu, 08 January 2004 21:46

also make sure the disy is in the correct posi and at no 1 at tdc you will have to take the rocker cover off to make sure no 1 cams are pointing to wards inlet and exhaust for tdc

Location: Seattle area, USA
Registered: June 2002
Re: 18R-G tech help
Fri, 09 January 2004 01:56

pull the cam cover and check the #1 lobes.
should look like this.
|\ /|
pointing outward and up.
Make sure the timing chain is TIGHT across the guides as well.
the leads are in the right order and the dizzy points to #1 under the cap. should fire after that if you've got compression and petrol.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18R-G tech help
Fri, 09 January 2004 02:03

I did this with my brother's at one stage, I had the plug leads in the wrong order.
I am also in Adelaide and can come have a look for you if you want.
That picture of the cam lobes was really really hard to see what it was trying to show.
I've ripped our engine apart enough times, but I can't figure out what you're trying to show there.
when the engine is at TDC for cylinder one, the cam lobe for the exhaust side must be pointing horizontally towards the passanger side.
The intake cam lobe in this position must be pointing horizontally toward the drivers side.
ie. they must be pointing away from each other!
If they are not EXACTLY horizontal, and not EXACTLY pointing away from each other, it is not critical, but they must look too damn close to this.
As I said before, if you want me to come and have a look for you, I will. I'm in the north eastern suburbs.
You have my details in PM

Location: Seattle area, USA
Registered: June 2002
Re: 18R-G tech help
Fri, 09 January 2004 02:15

not the best ascii work sorry.
the lobes are pointing away from each other.
intake to about 10'o-clock
and Ex to about 2'o-clock
hope that is better.
Not quite flat(9-3) but away for sure.
If that is confusing the little sqaure cut outs
in the cam right by the front cam cap should be pointing
12'o-clock both of them.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: 18R-G tech help
Fri, 09 January 2004 02:22

Or if you don't want to risk damaging the cam cover gasket if it is old by pulling the cam cover off, place a length of hose onto the sparkplug mounting face and push down to seal, and place your thumb over the other end. Rotate the engine until you feel compression then line the timing mark up with the pointer, and finally set your dissy gap there for number one cylinder. The engine is now staically timed and you can fine tune the timing with a timing light once you get the thing running!

Location: Townsville North Qld
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18R-G tech help
Fri, 09 January 2004 10:24

The little square cutouts seem to point 12oclock at no 4 tdc for my 18RG. so your dizzy might be out 180 degrees, try swapping 2 and 3 and 1 and 4 plugs on the dizzy, that worked for me. also the dizzy on an 18RG rotates clockwise and the firing order is 1342 (tested)

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: 18R-G tech help
Sat, 10 January 2004 00:54

Thanks for all the responses guys! Hopefully all these different points of view will shed some light on the situation! I'll try some of these things and get back to you if they're successful (for that matter, I'll probably reply if they're not successful, because I'm sure I'll need more help ).

Location: Canberra
Registered: December 2002
Re: 18R-G tech help
Sun, 11 January 2004 01:16

180 degres out i did this on my first rg install about 6 months ago. i had exactly the same symptoms of hydraulic locks and flames out the headers.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18R-G tech help
Mon, 12 January 2004 00:20
Yeah, that 180 deg. out of place sounds like it could be it.
Give that one a go Timmy.