Sorry hope not too boring. I'm trying to buy a tool to help me pop the tie rod end ball joint out of the connection to the steering knuckle. I also want a tool that may come in handy at other times. I've seen a 2 jaw puller used for this (on the web)..would a 3 jaw work as good (anybody used one successfully for this). All the pullers I've seen have a point on the threaded rod, I pressume when using to seperate CV from hub etc (does this stop them being useful for the first intended job).
I have also seen what GT uses (the fork shown below..sorry to steal your photo man). Have people used the pullers on the balljoints, are they better than the fork?
So what would be the most useful tool do you think? I have done this job before just with single hammer, undoing thread so is flush with end of bolt and hammered upwards on it - but I hear you can do damage this way?? Didn't wreck mine (maybe just lucky).
Just bought a huge tool box from bunnings for $58 - with wheels, it could double as a suitcase , so need to build up my tool collection with some worthy additions - a job might help to fund this I guess. Thanks for listening