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Forums Junkie

December 2002
9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 00:38 Go to next message
Some intresting stuff relating to 9/11 gon121.swf
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 03:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fuck america
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Forums Junkie

December 2002
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 04:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
intresting comment, right from the heart.
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 08:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
pretty well put together
wonder if it has much substance to it though
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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 10:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
go america!
if they dont steal all the arabs oil, then doesnt our petrol price go up to like 3 bucks?
or am i stupid, pretty sure somsone told me that
maybe they were stupid
and ever since i saw the arabs beheading a yank!
arrrghhh!!! kill them all!!!
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Forums Junkie

Land of Oz
June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 10:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message

jessetamsett wrote on Wed, 08 September 2004 20:01

if they dont steal all the arabs oil, then doesnt our petrol price go up to like 3 bucks?
or am i stupid, pretty sure somsone told me that
maybe they were stupid

Ever since Australian oil prices were linked into the OPEC system, our price goes up and down as you say.

Sad part is that Australia produces enough light crude oil (which can be made into petroleum products) to sustain our needs. We can't produce the heavy crude - but petrol-wise, we get plenty out of our wells.

Dunno where all the extra money goes. Not into roads, or importing exotic Toyota vehicles. Probably goes into the pollies pockets, so it can be dragged out at election time, where they can spend a bit of our own money on wonderous policies to buy the cheap voter.

IMHO the middle east oil prodcuing countries are going to be in deep shit if an alternate engery source was found/manufactured. They may have the world by the balls at the moment, but it's not going to last forever.

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 10:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
river wrote on Wed, 08 September 2004 20:23

IMHO the middle east oil prodcuing countries are going to be in deep shit if an alternate engery source was found/manufactured. They may have the world by the balls at the moment, but it's not going to last forever.

It's called Ethanol. It can be used pure or mixed with petrol. They don't do it 'cuz it would upset some counties that have a lot of money and a lot of power and a lot of fingers in a lot of pies.

As for Sept. 11, the thing you have to know is that America does that kinda thing to other countries on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. They drop bombs on people, sanction revolutions where thousands of people are killed to install dictatorships that kill thousands more. They give money to terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden and dictators such as Saddam and the Taliban.

As far as the nation of America goes, they had the September 11 attacks coming.

It's very sad that those American's died in the twin towers. I feel sorry for them and their family and I wish it hadn't happened. The American civilians didn't deserve to die like that. But I also feel sorry for all those people that America bombs and suppresses. And it doesn't give America the right to attack even more people (who they had been indirectly suppressing in the first place).

It also scares me that George Bush thinks (or calls) his enemies evil and thinks of himself as good.

[Updated on: Wed, 08 September 2004 10:36]

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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 10:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well....thats war!

They give money to terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden and dictators such as Saddam and the Taliban.
they do??? whats the go there?

and what ever happened to osama and sadaam?
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Forums Junkie

Land of Oz
June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 10:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
jessetamsett wrote on Wed, 08 September 2004 20:40

well....thats war!

Nope... that's big business. Money talks and it fights even better.


They give money to terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden and dictators such as Saddam and the Taliban.
they do??? whats the go there?

and what ever happened to osama and sadaam?

Secret deals, hidden agendas... many, many things that are not privvy to us plebs. I'm sure there are some evil machinations going on in the deepest parts of secret government and mega-corporations.

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 10:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You didn't know that? They helped install the Taliban and Saddam's regime to power! They give money to terrorists, or rather, "revolutionaries" to help them overthrow governments so that America can have "friends" controlling countries. It doesn't matter that these new leaders make things far worse for the people. No all that matters is that the leaders of these nations kill who America tells them to kill.

Unfortunatly when Sadam asked the US representative there (not sure what position the rep held) if he could invade Kuwait, the representative said yes, without consulting the people back home. Sadam thought he was allowed to invade Kuwait. So thats that for ya.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 11:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Here is an interesting fact about America (and the reason Bush is in power now).

America isn't a democracy.

Judges review the votes and decide what the result should be. George W. Bush actually lost, if you tally the votes directly. It is speculated that they actually did dodgy things like didn't tally the votes from some areas 'cuz they didn't think that those areas would vote for Bush. However, that aside, he lost anyway. In California, the Judges decided that the votes where in favor of Bush, even though if you counted them 1 for 1, they where in favor of the other guy. I think that had something to do with George Bush's brother, but I'm not sure.

[Updated on: Wed, 08 September 2004 11:02]

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August 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 11:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the sad thing is in the mid 60's america was handing over anything and everything to saddam in return for crude oil, this included cars like cadillacs and cash as well as weapons of mass destruction, back then the world was a much more innocent place to live in and the attrocities that saddam commited on his own people was fine as that was his own people and he had a lot of oil

when america sees something they want, they will get it, who cares who dies, john howard is afraid of them all especially eminem

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 11:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
djbourboncan wrote on Wed, 08 September 2004 21:37


And how.

Although I would say that Howard is trying to copy them. Our country is becoming more like America every day. We don't directly murder people like America does though (as far as I know anyway).
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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 12:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message

john howard is afraid of them all especially eminem

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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Wed, 08 September 2004 13:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fuck america, they are the biggest terroroists on the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in the early 80s osama bin laden was a CIA agent, was trained by the americans and worked for them. they sent him to afghanistan and supplied him with money and weapons to get rid of the russians. after that happened they cut him loose. he therefore hated america and spends the rest of his life getting back at them.

america also put saddam in power after they killed the original leader of iraq (cant remember his name). sadam was actually a general in the iraq army when the assasination of the iraqi leader took place. by iraq law when the leader dies without notice as to say then the army takes over. america knows this and let it happen. once this occured they supplied sadam with everything he ever dreamed of and ever wanted; cars, us dollars, etc etc and in return he gave them the oil. now this power got to sadams head no one will deny that, but after kuwait america CUT HIM LOOSE Shocked what a shock hey. hence he spent the rest of his life going after america

cuba. the russians were setting up in cuba to invade/go to war with america. the americans did what they do best and what happened, cuba got rid of the russians. after that what happened? america CUT CUBA LOOSE Shocked oh my GOD im shocked *sarcasm*

now for britain, well america cannot cut them loose cause at the moment britain is the only world force that can take america on if it ever came down to that. but it wont not only cause of army size and stuff but also cause they are the best place to start an assault on that part of the world if required in short notice.

as for australia, although i know the reasoning behind backing america, ie protection, i will never agree to it. but in americas eyes we are the safest country in the world AND WE ARE. we have radars that can detect a boat leaving indonesia, so you cant use water to get to us. you cant use air cause you need water to get half way here for fuel, troops, etc. therefore it is hard to get to us.

now why dont we go back to the middle east, we have israel bulilding a wall to seperate them from palestine. america say dont do that its not good but no force, no we wont stop you yet we will spend many years getting the berlin wall down. israel invade palestine with tanks, helicopters, troops and technology that only america has and what does america do? dont do that but we wont stop you. palestinians can only fight back with themselves being the point of attack and they brand it terrorism, but an israely soldier with a sniper riffle is not terorism. shooting a guy that is hiding behind a bin protecting his son is not terrorism is it? and then still persuing the son isnt terrorism either is it? when you look at those shots you can see the wall is sprayed with bullets all round the bin area where they were trying to stay safe from the cross fire and nothing around them touched, not even a ricoche of a bullet yet they claim they were spraying everywhere. NO THATS NOT TERRORISM IS IT?!?!?!?!?!?!

jessetamsett you say


go america!
if they dont steal all the arabs oil, then doesnt our petrol price go up to like 3 bucks?
or am i stupid, pretty sure somsone told me that
maybe they were stupid
and ever since i saw the arabs beheading a yank!
arrrghhh!!! kill them all!!!

but have you lived there? have you been to the middle east and seen what their daily lives are like? what tey have to go through just to get to school? go to work? go and pray? ARE YOU AN ARAB THAT KNOWS WHAT IT IS LIKE? do you have any FUCKING CLUE AT ALL? you say kill them all, well you know what your the one that needs to die!

i lived there! iv seen it all! iv been in the middle of it all! planes at 2am flying over letting bombs go! people screaming, crying! all hell breaking loose! 100 people dying in a second all round me! and you sit in your home all comfortable and say kill them all, why dont we meet face to face and you say it to my face? you sit behind your PC thinking your all good and we are fucking arab terrorists. why dont you give us the guns and technology everyone else has and then see if people blow themselves up to protect their land, their families, their peoples future. we have been in war sine the early 40s we have lived in war for our whole lives while you sit in your lounge watching it on TV.

YEAH IM PROUD TO SAY FUCK AMERICA AND FUCK ISRAEL TOO!!!!!!! cause they are all manipulative fucking cunts and all you fuckwits sitting at home watching it on TV saying kill em all are just as fucked as those giving the orders. they show you what they want you to see, you agree and dont have half a clue.

come talk to me when you wake up in the morning and go to school to find out that the guy that you sit next to aint coming to school anymore cause he is dead, or the person at the front of the class who is almost guaranteed over 90% in their school certificate not coming in to school anymore cause their parents are dead and now they are the eldest and have to work to provide for their little brothers and sisters. WHEN THIS HAPPENS TO YOU COME TALK TO ME THEN! actually you cant even open your mouth till that happens to you, when you find out that your best friends dad is now dead, yet 10mins ago you were just talking to him on the phone. KILL EM ALL HEY?

but you know what? its not americas fault, or israels or yours or anyone elses. its the arabs fault for letting it happen and not uniting. i may hate america for what they do but im more pissed off at the arabs for what they dont do. but in any case you cant say kill em all without ever being there and knowing why, and dont give me the shit that they spoon feed you on TV cause its all bullshit! i was there, i saw it, i lived it, i fought against them and i am one of the lucky ones that got out but if i was back there i would fight till my last breathe against the americans and the israelis.

you arrogant cunt KILL EM ALL HEY? your the one that needs to go cause its people like you that provoke this shit and keep it going
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Forums Junkie

May 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 01:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
porkchop sandwiches Surprised
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 01:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Its never going to be a perfect world. so... what can we do but go with the flow, and hope that our leaders and future leaders steer us in the right direction.
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August 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 01:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fade-e i think you need to take a fucking chill pill you say its america who is doing all the attacking so why type shit about about a toymod members opinion, is he the one giving the orders to the us army???, is he the one who is controlling george bush???, is he responsible for world-wide terrorism???, i dont think so buddy take a reality check, you probably havnt even been to bribie island let alone overseas, so dont take the wordly i know everything and anybody whos opinion is different can eat shit, that is just really dissapointing, let the people speak
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 02:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If he has the perspective of someone who has lived over there then you can see where he is coming from, but that was a silly thing to say, jessetamsett - kill em all or whateva.

Lets all just be thankful we live in Australia. The greatest place on earth Smile

[Updated on: Thu, 09 September 2004 02:03]

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 04:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah go with the flow, hope the government will do good by us. I mean, what can WE do about it?

Well that's the kinda attitude that lets America get away with it.

Ignorant people who say "bomb Iraq" and don't care that a lot of innocent people are gonna die scare the hell outta me.

Educated people who say "bomb Iraq" scare me even more.

At no point has anyone said "Well lets look at the problem here." No, they just say "They hit us, lets hit them back harder!" Nothing happens in a vacuum. The people who attacked America on September 11 didn't decide to do that for no reason. They didn't decide to do it 'cuz America is "Free" and they don't like that. They did it 'cuz America has been bombing the hell out of their countries and destroying their way of life politically and financially since before these people where born!

This isn't a problem that will go away in our lifetimes. Some people in the middle east (and a few places around the world) have been brought up on war. Their way of life will need to get better untill they are comfortable. Then generation after generation the hate will die. A lust for war cannot be removed by repressing them harder. The only way America's way will work is if they kill every last person in the Middle East and anyone who sympathises with them then anyone who thinks that genocide is morally reprehensible then anyone who cared about those people until you have killed every last human on earth.
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August 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 04:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
9/11 had nothing to do with the war on iraq

if you remember they were allegedly looking for the weapons of mass destruction that american had given them over the years

when will we know the truth ?....i suppose in about 50 years when it dosnt matter to anyone anymore, like we are only hearing about stuff that happened 50 years ago now and who cares, we cant go back and right the wrongs the government has continued to do over time
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 05:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shraka wrote on Thu, 09 September 2004 14:37

Yeah go with the flow, hope the government will do good by us. I mean, what can WE do about it?

Well that's the kinda attitude that lets America get away with it.

yeah right right right right... Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

Castle Hill, Sydney
February 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 06:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah sorry it was a stupid thing to say
i certainly havent witnessed any war first hand
but after seeing these few guys hack a innocent 'photograhers?' head off just beacuse his american, and holding the head up cheering, you tend to build up a bit of rage towards them...and these things slip out
'I' havent seen the americans doing such things to the arabs
'yes i know it happens'
so im sure u can understand why i was bias

next time ill keep my gob shut unless i 100% kno what im talkin about
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 07:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wow ... where's my tin foil hat when i need it.
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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 07:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
djbourboncan wrote on Thu, 09 September 2004 11:28

fade-e i think you need to take a fucking chill pill you say its america who is doing all the attacking so why type shit about about a toymod members opinion, is he the one giving the orders to the us army???, is he the one who is controlling george bush???, is he responsible for world-wide terrorism???, i dont think so buddy take a reality check, you probably havnt even been to bribie island let alone overseas, so dont take the wordly i know everything and anybody whos opinion is different can eat shit, that is just really dissapointing, let the people speak

mate i lived there for over 2 years, what i said is what i experienced first hand, mates dying all around me is no lie but truth

BTW where did you get that arabic script from? its hard to read when all seperated like that

[Updated on: Thu, 09 September 2004 07:54]

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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Thu, 09 September 2004 07:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
jessetamsett wrote on Thu, 09 September 2004 16:36

yeah sorry it was a stupid thing to say
i certainly havent witnessed any war first hand
but after seeing these few guys hack a innocent 'photograhers?' head off just beacuse his american, and holding the head up cheering, you tend to build up a bit of rage towards them...and these things slip out
'I' havent seen the americans doing such things to the arabs
'yes i know it happens'
so im sure u can understand why i was bias

next time ill keep my gob shut unless i 100% kno what im talkin about

mate its not bout keeping your gob shut but not being so bias and saying it like that. osama bin laden, sadam hussein and the taliban I DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM AT ALL,their views, way of life or anything like that and they deserve toi be ousted. but he way its been brought about is wrong and not the arabs fault yet they are the ones that are punished.

when i say i hate america, i hate them as a nation of greed and lies, but i work with americans who are awsome people and so friendly and they even hate their own country and government cause they know its wrong what they do. but you wont hear me say kill em all cause its not all of em that are at fault.
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: 9/11 intresting stuff Fri, 10 September 2004 08:12 Go to previous message
common guys, political topics are something that we try to avoid here on Toymods, for the simple reason that they cause arguments and destroy the harmonious environment we would like to harbour.

Please, read the outhouse rules - its there.

I understand you all have something to say, but keep it away from our automotive related forums.

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