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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 06:42 Go to next message

Who do you want as the next US president?[ 46 vote(s) ]
1.Bush 6 / 13%
2.Kerry 40 / 87%

A moot point I know, but I'm curious how many of us here are right wing gun loving xenophobes, and how many will vote for anyone who isn't bush Smile

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Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 06:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Let the voting begin.... Laughing
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November 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 07:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ha ha ha ha. That's funny.
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Sydney / NSW
March 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 07:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
can you put an option C..."who gives a shit"
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 07:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
option C was gonna be Gov. Arnie, but then I figured it'd leave the actual candidates with no votes Smile
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 07:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
draven wrote on Wed, 03 November 2004 18:42

option C was gonna be Gov. Arnie, but then I figured it'd leave the actual candidates with no votes Smile

LOL, yeah for sure.

I think I should be the next US president.
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 08:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hell, even that would be better than Bush! Laughing
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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 09:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
he is pretty stupid...and they're showing the US elections on our Confused I bet howard told them to do it coz his friend is on Razz

There was a video clip up somewhere, about sovereignty, and Bush trying to bullshit his way out of it, pretty funny. If someone can host a video i can give it to you Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 11:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The voting so far

Male -----(46%)---- 54% -- 45% ---- 1%
Female --(54%)---- 47% -- 52% ---- 1%

So there you have it, Men want Bush more than Women do!

[Updated on: Wed, 03 November 2004 11:01]

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Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 11:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
davedave wrote on Wed, 03 November 2004 21:00

The voting so far

Male -----(46%)---- 54% -- 45% ---- 1%
Female --(54%)---- 47% -- 52% ---- 1%

So there you have it, Men want Bush more than Women do!

go figure

its a shame arnie isnt a native of america
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Forums Junkie

April 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 12:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sums up how smart 50% of americans are;

breif history of candidates..

-Went to NAM, was awarded the Purple heart... (war hero!)
-When he came back he became an anti-war advocate after experiencing it all first hand. He lobbied against War in all forms
-Played bass in a band...
-Long history in politics.. worked his way from the ground up.

-College drop out and alcoholic
-After being caught drink driving and realising he had no aim in life he turned to the church and became 'born again' Rolling Eyes (this is where he gets a lot of his votes from)
-Started making $$ in the oil industry after daddy got him a job at a company
-rigged previous election
-invaded a country for its oil.

Seriously.. Although their policy's arent totally different its obvious Kerry is an internationalist while Bush is a Cowboy. It's a sad day for the world...

[Updated on: Wed, 03 November 2004 12:34]

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Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 12:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hence this video 0is%20our%20land.swf
and this:

Go Kezza Razz

[Updated on: Wed, 03 November 2004 12:42]

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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 12:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Unfortunately it does not surprise me that the people of the US are as stupid as Australian voters.

Don't forget thanks to his do-gooder born again crap Bush is going to set stem cell research back at least another term.
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Brisbane, QLD, Australia
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 12:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
warrior wrote on Wed, 03 November 2004 17:39

can you put an option C..."who gives a shit"

I vote for that one.

Seriously, we're in Australia. Yea, that other country that starts with an A.

Bush will win for sure, because to run a country full of morons, you require a figurehead that has no idea on where he is most of the time.
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I supported Toymods

fairfield NSW
January 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 12:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
looks like bush wins again
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Ballarat, Victoria
March 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 14:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
this man should be the next us president

o grant, where art thou?
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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 16:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
good to see so many other like-minded people. Bush is ultra-conservative, and basically knows fuck-all about other countries. His stance on stem cells is backwards even for a republican (at least Gov. Arnie is for stem cell research!)

interesting how bush gets all the deep/mid west redneck/inbred states, and kerry gets all the yuppie upper class states.... tells us a lot about whether people vote with their hearts or minds I guess. mail.htm

that's just how well the war in iraq is really going, without all the media filtering we get (I can only imagine it's even more filtered for americans... but 1000+ dead soldiers and conservatively 20 times that in iraqi civilians)
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 17:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
And then its over. Kerry has rung Bush to concede, the western world has to put up with the stupidity of George Bush for another term.
Americans have just proven to me once again that they are a stupid breed of people, hard to believe down the line we're probably decended from the same people.
I mean, Howard pisses me off, but HOW, I say HOW can you vote for this???
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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 17:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it's 4am... are you doing an assignment nathan? Smile

and I agree totally... while people in australia thing latham/howard is a dick (depending on who you ask), I can understand how either could get elected, because they've both got pretty good things going for them (to go with the bad).
Bush doesn't really have much going for him, and he's stupid to boot.... maybe americans identify with him more? *grins*

If I were kerry, I wouldn't particularly want to be president of a country where more than half the population is willing to vote for bush - they're not worth the effort

</bush bashing> (hey, it's 4am, I can make rediculous statements all I like)

(just realised you're a perth-wegian)
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Wed, 03 November 2004 22:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
This is just more proof of how truly stupid the average American is.
Also proves how much Australians want to be like Americans. How much media coverage of the election was there? We don't even show 1/4 that much of the UK elections, and we're governed (ultimately) by them.
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 00:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Helen Clarke:


"Where you have strong leaders, as both Mr Howard and George Bush are, and they communicate a conviction about what they are doing, people will back them."

Unfortunately, Kerry is a chameleon of the highest order. I think Clarke has a good point here.
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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 01:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
draven wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 01:21

it's 4am... are you doing an assignment nathan? Smile
(just realised you're a perth-wegian)

Haha, I gave up just after 1am...but yes, I'm writing a stupid conference paper.
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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 01:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
justcallmefrank wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 04:04

I mean, Howard pisses me off, but HOW, I say HOW can you vote for this???

howard just has his best mate's arse to kiss for another 4 years Surprised
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Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 01:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if anyone in sydney listens to Merrick and Rosso, they would have heard a VERY well informed and excellent conversion they had just before the election with Bob Carr.

As much i hate the guy, he is a smart man.

Basically he gave some very good anaylsis of the american populus:
# The typical American of today knows MUCH LESS about the rest of the world than they did 10-15 years ago, and even less than they did 30 years ago
# Education standards have been in dramatic decline in the USA for the past 20 years. Americans are far dumber and less educated than they were 20-30 years ago

Then he gave some personal accounts from his collegues regarding George Bush....
# in a personal meeting an australian diplomat/politician, which was supposed to be about foreign policies and world interactions... all Bushy talked about for 90 minutes was god, and his own personal christianity.
# Bush has expressed his "concern" with North Korea and Iran.... im sure you all know what that means.

If anyone else heard it, you would probably agree that Mr Carr had some very good insightful things to say about Bush.

All i can say is... thank God the USA has a law where a president cannot serve more than two terms....
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Sydney, Australia
December 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 02:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1 Fingered victory salute. Rolling Eyes

Right click and save as.
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 02:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that is very funny

I would so be tempted to do that if I was him too.. lol
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 02:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Apologies for a long political rant on a car forum.

These opinions are my own and not those of any other represented persons (legal bs for what I'm about to say)

Begin Rant:

It's a sad state of affair when the head of one of the most powerful nations in the known world can quote "I am a war president, I make decisions with War on my mind" and get re-elected.

Iraq = has been proven in NUMEROUS courts and legal proceedings to have been illegal and unfounded.
Casualties for both Iraq and the Allied Nations are high - yet people still vote for BUSH.

People like George Bush - will only be happy when the entire world is Americanised - it wont be long into this term of presidency before we hear: Weapons of mass destruction have been found in: we need to bomb the shit out of them.

and then compare that to here: our prime minister screws education, health care, old age pensions, has huge budget surplus instead of using it for something beneficial, has spent more on wars than ever before (INCLUDING WWII!!!) and what do we do - we re-elect him too.

Stupid people everywhere. People who just don't have a clue - it's the downfall of democracy - I'm left seething because dumb fuck people vote for the people who fuck us over the most.

GRRR To all of you stupid people - American and Australian.

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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 02:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ra23mad you live up to your nickname Very Happy



however I would like to say that despite all the bad stuff that has gone on and I am not happy about it all either (I didn't think it was all that great to do it in the first place anyway), however hindsight is beautiful luxury and even more, had it been someone or something else we would all just be complaining about how our economy sux and you can't buy a house and crime is terrible, or you can't get a job yadda yadda

there is alway something to complain about and we Aussies are great at it.

however, my personal gripe is the loss of innocence for australia abroad. no longer are we the 'happy' nation that nobody has a problem with and who doesn't do anybody any harm

I used to think "I am so glad I am not an american" because of this, but now crazy Islamic psychos will happyily behead me alongside our US friends.

This didn't use to be the case, and I am sad that I dont' have that freedom I used to. very sad.
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 02:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I actually drew a massive cock next to the liberal party dick box on my ballot paper and crossed out "liberal party" and wrote John Howard... then put him DEAD LAST.

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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 02:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message

I actually drew a massive cock next to the liberal party dick box on my ballot paper and crossed out "liberal party" and wrote John Howard... then put him DEAD LAST.

yer! That showed him! Razz

I took a Mark Latham poster of his grinning mug and carried it around with me all day long Very Happy and hung it up everywhere I went

edit: but that doesn't mean I voted for him ok.. 'cause I might not have.. or I might have.. you'll NEVER KNOW mwah ha

edit again: MAYBE I was mocking him..

edit again again: hmmm.. edits..

[Updated on: Thu, 04 November 2004 03:18]

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September 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 03:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A Stupid population is easier to govern.
This is part of the plan developed by the democrats in the '30's. The plan is to make America the largest corporation in the world. The US govt is run more like Microsoft than a governmet of the people.
Unfortunately Australia is just the 53rd state of the US while our prime minister has his dick so far up bush's arse (not ass).
MadRA23 was right... aussies are seen just as more redneck americans now to the rest of the world... Actually Johnny started it for us with the Tampa affair. Since then the euros and asians know we are rednecks too.
When it comes down to it... US and Australia v Rest of the World... Call me un-patriotic I'm afraid I will have to change sides i am not patriotic to a country that is just turning into an extension of America. Yee Haw!
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September 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 03:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thats a spot on vote for Johnny...
Exactly how they want you to do it.
Labor votors are DUM... but Lib voters are smart and fill out their ballots properly... Thats how the libs win!

THE WITZL wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 13:56

I actually drew a massive cock next to the liberal party dick box on my ballot paper and crossed out "liberal party" and wrote John Howard... then put him DEAD LAST.

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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 03:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ra23mad wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 13:46

Apologies for a long political rant on a car forum.

These opinions are my own and not those of any other represented persons (legal bs for what I'm about to say)

Begin Rant:

It's a sad state of affair when the head of one of the most powerful nations in the known world can quote "I am a war president, I make decisions with War on my mind" and get re-elected.

Stupid people everywhere. People who just don't have a clue - it's the downfall of democracy - I'm left seething because dumb fuck people vote for the people who fuck us over the most.

GRRR To all of you stupid people - American and Australian.

Ditto to that!!! "A person is smart, people are stupid" Tommy L Jones
Very Happy

And Labor voters aren't dumb... "i fail engrish, that's unpossible" Razz

[Updated on: Thu, 04 November 2004 03:26]

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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 04:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
THE WITZL wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 12:57

# Bush has expressed his "concern" with North Korea and Iran.... im sure you all know what that means.

Actually, the Americans should have been in North Korea throwing their weight around.
It was proven that they were developing nuclear capabilities (despite the treaty).

Iraq had suspected weapons... But lots of oil!
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Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 04:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah I know pretty inconsistent huh
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Occasional Poster

August 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 04:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My two cents:

One moot point i feel must be made is that us aussies weren't the only ones to leap into iraq, we can't forget our good friends in mother england!
Bush is a knob, there's no denying that, and you can debate about the reasons for going to war for a long time to come, but the bigger knob is of course saddam himself!
Going to war to oust the bastard may not have been the most popular decision little Johnny has made, or the best one at that, but with Blair and Bush both keen for it I can see why Johnny joined in the fray for what he (as a leader of a western country) thought was the right reasons! Where that leaves us now I guess we'll find out, but i too feel a little less keen to go touring around the world as a result...
Guess it comes down to where u draw the line at standing up for what u believe is right...

<runs and hides, waiting for the onslaught> Razz
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 04:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The war in Iraq was simply a money grab for the oil fields. Plain and simple.
The Americans took troops away from Afghanistan (where they were hunting terrorists which killed thousands of Americans) and ignored North Korea, just so that they can grab money under a flimsy excuse of possible "weapons of mass destruction".
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 05:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
walked into a philosophy tutorial today...

american exchange student in the class and man was he shitty that bush won, good to finally see an american around the age of 20 who has a clue. Very Happy

then again i'm the past few months i've met quite a few who have loved australia and hated young educated americans for a change, i'm impressed.

but yeah i've been anti bush for the past 4 years since my mate at school who is into politics informed me of the dick that is bush.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 06:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
America scares the fuck outta me. Australia's willingness to follow America scares me even more.

I wanna move somewhere good. *sigh*

Edit: Oh and someone said they aren't patriotic to a country that bla bla bla. When the head of my country stop representing me, I'm gonna stop representing it.

[Updated on: Thu, 04 November 2004 06:53]

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July 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 07:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Toymad wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 15:35

My two cents:

Going to war to oust the bastard may not have been the most popular decision little Johnny has made, or the best one at that, but with Blair and Bush both keen for it I can see why Johnny joined in the fray for what he (as a leader of a western country) thought was the right reasons! Where that leaves us now I guess we'll find out, but i too feel a little less keen to go touring around the world as a result...
Guess it comes down to where u draw the line at standing up for what u believe is right...

<runs and hides, waiting for the onslaught> Razz

Towing the line is NOT a strong political decision. What sort of leader follows?
Don't forget that Australia is a part of Asia and our government should consider the impact that its political decisions have on countries in our region.
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August 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 10:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
spirokeet wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 18:19

Toymad wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 15:35

My two cents:

Going to war to oust the bastard may not have been the most popular decision little Johnny has made, or the best one at that, but with Blair and Bush both keen for it I can see why Johnny joined in the fray for what he (as a leader of a western country) thought was the right reasons! Where that leaves us now I guess we'll find out, but i too feel a little less keen to go touring around the world as a result...
Guess it comes down to where u draw the line at standing up for what u believe is right...

<runs and hides, waiting for the onslaught> Razz

Towing the line is NOT a strong political decision. What sort of leader follows?
Don't forget that Australia is a part of Asia and our government should consider the impact that its political decisions have on countries in our region.

Yer, your right about considering the regions interests, and thats something that would have definitely played on the governments collective mind, but maintaining a strong alignment with two of our historically greatest allies would also have been a contributing factor...
we can only hope that our relations with our nearest neighbours don't suffer as a result!
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Forums Junkie

April 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 10:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shraka wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 17:51

America scares the fuck outta me. Australia's willingness to follow America scares me even more.

I reken Australia should dump their relations with the USA..... and dramatically increase our relations with Japan. I actually think that Australians and Japanese have more in common than we do with Americans... I mean they have better cars and technology than the USA, theyre closer... Someone needs to push this!

Picture this.. worst case scenario...

America decides to start saying China has WMD and if they dont dismantle then America will attack... Howard will back it as nessessary...

What would you do?

I'd become an Expat mighty quick. Tokyo here I come!
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Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message

[Updated on: Thu, 04 November 2004 11:31]

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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Laughing Laughing that is gold onkey_small_.jpg

[Updated on: Thu, 04 November 2004 11:30]

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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
THE WITZL wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 12:56

I actually drew a massive cock next to the liberal party dick box on my ballot paper and crossed out "liberal party" and wrote John Howard... then put him DEAD LAST.

I dont think "honest" johnny has done that badly for our country.
To be honest, i voted for the Liberal party over Labor for the fact that Labor is and has lacked any real leadership since Paul Keating.

As for the American election, i too am glad that the world will only have to suffer for another 4 could be worse, much worse. Imagine if he tried to alter the legalities of being president to unlimited terms in office :S

However, i dont think we'll have to worry about American stupidity for ever(as such). No one stays on top forever, the super power status changes hands and i think the USA has pissed off too many countries. China would be my next worry, huge population and rather unknown capabilities(even though alot of the country, especially away from the cities is rather backward and impoverished)
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
China is definately going to be the next superpower.
Without a doubt. And I don't think it wil be long either.
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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
as soon as they start becoming the new super power (economically) and all that, i guarantee Bush would make up some excuse about them having WMD and attack them to crash their economy Evil or Very Mad
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I dont think even Bush is stupid enough to invade China
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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Cyber-punk wrote on Thu, 04 November 2004 22:54

I dont think even Bush is stupid enough to invade China

you'd be surprised...before the iraq war he said "there will be no casualties" to colin powell Rolling Eyes if he was serious, then i wouldnt be surprised about him invading china
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 11:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't think it's that simple with China...
They have a huge population, the rest of the world depends on its products (what isn't made in China these days?), and there are plenty of countries that will align with them if America starts thumping its chest.
The two important allies will be North Korea (now with nuclear weapons) and Japan.

I don't think America will win if it comes to that.
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April 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 12:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
none they should all just get over thjem self Razz
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August 2004
Re: Who should be the next US president? Thu, 04 November 2004 12:16 Go to previous message
yerp, china are definitely going to be the next superpower...

the yanks will get dumb, china gets smarter, but hopefully all is nice and quiet and they have nothing to do with N.Korea! Smile

Meanwhile we all chew up chinese products!

But japanese cars and technology will rule forever! Smile

EDIT: yanks will get dumb(ER)! Razz

[Updated on: Thu, 04 November 2004 12:19]

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