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Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Registered: May 2002

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 02 December 2004 04:48

The Date looks good, it doesnt conflict rally calender,
Its the week After the 2GO rally at Wyong so ill be able to leave the rally car at my parents place at Newcastle and drive from there.
In short ill be there

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 02 December 2004 04:57

Best thing is , as it is now run under CAMS, you will be able to run the rally car !

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 03 December 2004 00:59

Yes sorry, as stated the page that is up is only an interim measure. Dates are all in March, the easter long weekend. The proper website should be back up this weekend.
Cost was a major consideration, however as will be explained in the new web page, those inclined to compete in such a competition will get good value from the memberships the fees include.
The sprint format is only 2 cars on the track at a time, at half lap intervals, t no time would two cars be racing head o head. The track is good enough for TSCC to hold regular sprints there and many drivers come from as far as Brisbane and Sydney to compete.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 03 December 2004 02:45

approx how long would one driver expect to have on the track?

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Sun, 05 December 2004 10:20

Special Ed,
Are there any pics of the Track or a website for the complex.
At $173 I'd like to see what it is I'm racing on ? Some pics may help justify the expense.
Are numbers limited for the Show and Shine and do you knwo what category's trophy's will be awarded for ?

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Sun, 05 December 2004 11:35

There are some pics of a recent event there in a previous Toyota Nats thread.
It is unfortunate that some wont justify the cost, however there is value for those interested in motorsport (those most likely to be interested the track day). Many will already have the required CAMS license (If you have done any CAMS sanctioned of track day in the past 12 months), and those who dont will be able to attend track days and motokhana's / hillclimbs at greatly reduced cost for the 12 months afterwards. Memebership to Tamworth Sporting Car Club is all they ask for marhsalling and use of the facilitites for the day.
Stay tuned for the Toyota Nats website will be updated soon with full details.
At this stage we are aiming for 40 entrants at the track - if there is huge demand we may extend it to 50.
Obviously the less cars the more track time for others. Being a competition, the day will be run as a series of sessions.
At any one time only 2 cars can be on the track.
Conservatively (very) and including marshalling we should allow 1 minute per lap (semi fast cars will lap at high 40 seconds and the fastest about 43 seconds- lap record is about 34 seconds - dont know of a street rego car to run under 41), with four laps per session. With 40 cars you can do your own maths as to how much track time you could expect, track should be open for at least 6 hours that day.
This is the same format as run by the TSCC who host many driving events there per year and they are very experienced semi-professional motorsport competitors themselves.
Hope this helps

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Tue, 07 December 2004 13:36

Just to announce the Toyota Nationals website has been updated again, there is now more event informtaion, accomodation & pricing info. The site is far from complete, but it has the core information up there.

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 08 December 2004 12:36

A few points about the website.
Page is currently under construction with a mind to getting all the up to date information online quickly. Will be tidied up as I get the time.
Most useful info is in the Accommodation section & Event Information, I'm putting things online as I get it.
Page is designed for 1024x768 currently, if a smaller resolution is being used the frames allow scrolling. I'm looking into a solution for this.
Page is IE6 & Netscape 6 compatible, Mozilla has some compatibility issues. Also looking into this.
The Tamworth Car Club is still working on entry forms, so they are not yet available from the site.
Registered: February 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 09 December 2004 01:39

Awsome looking site Alchemist; great job. Can't wait to get the entry form! The circuit racing looks like fun even if it does sound on the expensive side. Still, for what I'd pay for the days racing I'd blow on weekend drinking piss so I reckon the racing is better!

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 09 December 2004 07:58

Will the format for the Track time be posted on the web anytime soon ? Just curious how the finalists will be selected and how many semi final type events will take place.
Quote: | Conservatively (very) and including marshalling we should allow 1 minute per lap (semi fast cars will lap at high 40 seconds and the fastest about 43 seconds- lap record is about 34 seconds - dont know of a street rego car to run under 41), with four laps per session. With 40 cars you can do your own maths as to how much track time you could expect, track should be open for at least 6 hours that day.
Allowing 40 cars over 6 hours, at 4 minutes a go (Makes minimal allowance for the cars being half a lap appart and not allowing for incidents) means 20 session to cycle thru 40 entrants.
Each entrant should be able to get 4, 4 minute cracks at the track. Thats assuming the finals will only take 40 minutes or so ? That should make it pretty good to watch !

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Sun, 12 December 2004 23:59

Woot! CAMS sanctioning. Now I am there.

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 16 December 2004 21:43

hmmmm..... u got me thinking now... i might just bring the SILYCAR over for the weekend to entre the show 'n' shine....

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Registered: February 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 12 January 2005 04:49

Hey, just had a look at the Nationals website. What happened to motorsport????????

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 12 January 2005 08:50

There is an official announcement coming from the Board soon. We are just waiting on final updates to the site before any announcements are made.

Location: Lake Macquarie
Registered: July 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 13 January 2005 02:39

I will be there. Im keen for a new venue/scenery.
They say a change is as good as a holiday
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 14 January 2005 03:05

Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control motor sport cannot be held. Saturday will now consist of a show and shine and swap meet. Sunday will be a cruise to a lunch venue and then a nav run the afternoon with the awards dinner that night. Entry forms and all the info is available at

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Tue, 18 January 2005 00:51

so...... a show of hands... who's going??
I'm more than likely going, provided my shocks are done by then and im hopefully coming over with sean aka Bluewire...
.... so thats 2... who else?
we wanna get a group of Adelaidians to go over there to show our display of adelaide toyotas..

Location: Gunnedah NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 19 January 2005 00:43

sounds alright i might drive down the corona. Do you have to be a member of the club or a member of the site
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 19 January 2005 21:56

Not at all; everyone is welcome no matter if you are in a club or not. Check out the website for more details and entry form.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Tue, 25 January 2005 12:57

i was going to book accomadation this week for myself and a few fellow Queenslanders - any others from brisbane thinking of going down?
am just tossing up whether to book for a few folks or just me and fellow convoy drivers.
cheers, charles.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 26 January 2005 03:26

thechuckster wrote on Tue, 25 January 2005 23:57 | i was going to book accomadation this week for myself and a few fellow Queenslanders - any others from brisbane thinking of going down?
am just tossing up whether to book for a few folks or just me and fellow convoy drivers.
cheers, charles.
I am happy to share a room if that works well? hehe we might get there this time!? (i might take the cressida as backup car? lol)

Location: bendigo, VIC
Registered: October 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 26 January 2005 09:40

yo grant is there a dB drag or a sound off there?

Location: bendigo, VIC
Registered: October 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 26 January 2005 09:43

and the toyota-nationals link is broken

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 26 January 2005 11:40

The link is indeed broken, I havn't touched that page in a while so I'm not sure what the go it, I'll email Grant and I'll try to get the page up again ASAP. Really wierd...
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Registered: May 2002

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 28 January 2005 07:06

Well... I'm gonna do my best to get there, any fellow Victorians care to join me? Drive up together, and I was thinking about finding somewhere to camp (i.e. tent) if anyone's into the budget accomodation
Location: Melbourne
Registered: January 2005
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Sat, 29 January 2005 09:46

Wot, no motor sport? See what happens when you let a bunch of bureaucratic, Confused, Aging, Muddleheaded Spoilsports, (who couldn't organise a piss-up at a brewery), dick with your motor sport plans. Based on their recent debacle with the V8 Brutes, I suspect they will soon disappear up their own exhaust pipes.
Given the only valuable contribution they make to an event is insurance, have the organisers considered a switch to AAA, like a number of other series/events?
How about borrowing an acre or 2 of farmland from a local farmer to hold a motorkhana? Insurance should be simpler as a stand alone event. Great fun, low impact on the steed, an excellent way to learn driving skills and an opportunity to wash your car with purpose. Oh yeah, best held AFTER the show-n-shine.

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 02 February 2005 09:28

Website is up again with a new host, same domain name though, it's still not the pretty site yet, but all the important info is there.
Registered: May 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Mon, 07 February 2005 07:53

a show and shine and a cruise....
wouldnt bother going to tamworth for that...bit dissapoitting really because was looking foward to getting my car up there, she will be ready for that...
oh well i agree with you ozaristov300
my 2 cents

Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Mon, 07 February 2005 08:10

I am a local here in Tamworth, and my dad is a member of the Tamworth Motorsports club, however he is not a representative for the car club, he is a rep for the motocross.
I noticed on the site the adress of the Comfort Inn is goonaro goonaro it is actually suposed to be goonoo goonoo which is pronounced guna goonoo.
I was wondering if i had to enter to be able to attend the cruise, my daily driver probly isnt neat enough to attend the show n shine and my project will not b ready but i thought if its not agaist the rules and nobody minds then id love to ride along.
Anyhow i live 15kms out of town on a block of land, very pleasant etc. If any one wishes to camp at my house with use of showers, toilets, a fridge all to urself and a lawn to camp on, PM me if ur interested. Or if u need parts for a TA23 it may be worth ur while to pay a visit.
I own 3 76/77 celica's, (currently wrecking ta23) my 28 wont nelly be ready to show off tho so ill just show up in my daily driver ta23 to have a look.
The tamworth motosports club meeting is tonight, kinda a bit late as my dad has already left. But if any 1 has any questions they wish to be addressed at a meeting i may be able to help.
Regards, Jeff
[Updated on: Mon, 07 February 2005 09:49]

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Mon, 07 February 2005 10:15

Hi Guys,
Website has been updated again, no new information but it should be compatible with every browser format now .
It friendly right down to 800x600.
Fast to load, although there is a little bit of flash & some more piccies to be added to it. It can be seen at...

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 09 February 2005 21:33

my honest opinion i went to this event last year at dubbo and apart from the fact i hit a roo with my car and was haveing engine probs was a great weekend first time for me. But sadly i will not be attending the event this year. There needs to be more insentives for ppl to go sound off maybe would be great dyno as well and even drag racing would be great. Thats just my 2 cents worth not knocking the event at all. It is also the same weekend as the powercruise event, if you guys had half the stuff that these blokes are offering i would attend Toyota Nationals in a flash.

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 10 February 2005 09:38

Thanks Flynsx,
I'll take that as positive feedback, as if anyone could claim to have had a crap trip last year it was you (between the roo and the blue).
I acknowlege that this years line up is low key compared to previous years. And in some respects it we cannot offer the same as powercruise etc, Some would argue that is not our aim.
However we will go ahead and it will be the same fun family oriented event it has always been. Show and a Cruise with other like minded enthusiasts, some good food and a few drinks, main focus on fun and a reason to meet and talk toyota. Obviously with a view to ramping up to the bigger events in the future (this was what the move to Tamworth was all about).
So wherever you guys decide to go, enjoy yourselves , we will!, and hopefully if you dont attend Tamworth this year you will consider it for next year when we can promise a return to driving events.

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 11 February 2005 07:30

Well I'm still probably going to choose Toyota Nationals over easternats and powercruise this year, so I guess at least you've talked SOMEONE into it

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 16 February 2005 06:14

Time is running out !! get your entries in soon to secure a spot.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Tue, 22 February 2005 12:34

Form & cheque is in the mail. See youz folk there.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2005
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Wed, 23 February 2005 15:22

thechuckster wrote on Tue, 25 January 2005 22:57 | i was going to book accomadation this week for myself and a few fellow Queenslanders - any others from brisbane thinking of going down?
am just tossing up whether to book for a few folks or just me and fellow convoy drivers.
cheers, charles.
theres a good chance ill be there..
we'll all cruise down together?
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 24 February 2005 03:06

it looks like at least one convoy going down on the friday.
it's being discussed at next week's Toyota Car Club (Qld) meeting - if there's agreement on departure time and location, i'll post some details?
i was contemplating going down very late thrusday night so i arrived at dawn - but that will make friday a very long day. The upside of the night travel is less traffic and much cooler air 
tavelling in a mob would be nice.

Location: Gunnedah NSW
Registered: July 2004
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Sat, 05 March 2005 00:11

agreed - now looks like a bunch of Qlder's driving down early friday morning - the overnight idea has been shelved for now.
it's about 7-7.5 hrs of driving at the speed limit - so we should be there by mid afternoon.
it will be good to meet some folks from here there

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Sat, 05 March 2005 04:36

is there a group heading from sydney or newcastle?
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 17 March 2005 01:58

Sorry guys, for those who haven't noticed my new post, the event has been cancelled for 2005.
Location: central coast, NSW
Registered: April 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Thu, 17 March 2005 05:44

Grant wrote on Thu, 17 March 2005 12:58 | Sorry guys, for those who haven't noticed my new post, the event has been cancelled for 2005.
Good one !!!!!

Location: Tamworth
Registered: October 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 18 March 2005 03:31

Well that is a bugger i was looking forward to that
I'm guessing it had or has something to do with the incident that happened there recently
and yeah it isnt a bad track at all, shame its not happening
Registered: February 2004
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 18 March 2005 03:34

What incident was that? My understanding is that not enough entries were received. Lots of people said they were going but too few actually paid the $$.

Location: Tamworth
Registered: October 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 18 March 2005 03:38

well that may be that case also im not sure, but there was an accident there a little while back, thought it may have been related some how, but maybe not

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 18 March 2005 04:38

There was a fatal? accident at the facility recently, though it was on the speedway track and not the road circuit. Highly unfortunate and very sad. The accident had no effect on the outcome of the Nationals.

Location: Tamworth
Registered: October 2002
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 18 March 2005 04:44

yes what he said, i just wasn't going to go into much detail in case someone may have been sensitive toward it but there you have it, well its still a bugger the nationals ain't going ahead

Location: I wanna go Hawaiiiiii.......
Registered: November 2003
Re: Toyota Nationals 2005
Fri, 18 March 2005 07:11
Of course I (being an ex - Tamworthian), and The Toyota Nationals Board (having got to know some of the Tamworth motorsport community) feel very deeply about the tragedy of the Tamworth incident and extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of all involved.