I didn't get a high enough UAI to do commerce @ UTS so I was planning on doing mechanical engineering and transferring later. Because I'm really into cars and stuff I began thinking about just sticking with the course because I would enjoy working in the field but I've heard in another thread that there's a lot of calculus and physics involved. I was doing advanced 2 unit maths but dropped it in year 12 and have never done physics. The physics side I'm not TOO worried about but maths isn't my strong point at all, in fact I dislike. I'm just wondering whether the maths involved and physics for that matter is something I can bear with or should I look for something else?
My dilemma is that I could go to Macquarie and kill IT but then I don't know whether I would be able to transfer to do commerce at UTS or I could do Mechanical Engineering at UTS in which case if I do well then transferring isn't a problem but I'm worried that I might not do to well depending on how tough the maths involved is.
First round offers have to be in very soon. Any help would be appreciated,