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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 05:33 Go to next message
Okay.It's now been 5 weeks since i kicked the smokes and i need to start to do the get fit thing.
So i was wondering what a good exercise routine would be for someone to do at home.Esp to help get rid of the beer belly (looks like i'm 6 months pregnant) Sad .
So come one what do you all do or find to be the best for keeping fit?
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Forums Junkie

August 2004
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 05:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Walk around the block every morning
Start by doing sit ups and push ups.
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Banned User

Camden (Sydney)
September 2004
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 06:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah, walking is said to be one of the best (if not best) cardio fitness activity you can do. Other than that, i hate to say it but cut down on those fatty foods. If you keep eating them they'll keep wackin on the pounds. And if you feel up to it start jogging once in a while.
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 09:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the only way to get rid of the beer belly is to loose the fat.

no amount of situps will get rid of it, you just have to be less fat.

eat healthily and excersise and you will loose weight, if you just want stuff to do within your own home, pushups situps squats, vertical pushups (to work your shoulders... you do them by doing a handstand and resting your feet against the wall) basically anything you can do with your own bodyweight will help.

personally im too fat, i go to the gym 3 times a week, try to go running when i can motivate myself enough (running is fucking hard when your 101kg) and play basketball
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Forums Junkie

February 2003
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 10:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
get the whole household to go on the excercise/diet thing with yo - if you try it on your own while those around you scarf food then you'll quickly give up.

it sounds stupid, but join up to weightwatchers (or similar) to get their menus and book that list the 'points' for all the food you eat. this way, when you don't renew your membership, you still have the info you need to make sure the food you're eating is good for you and wont pile on weight.

same for a gym - get advice/plan for an exercise regime, if it works for you, scale back your membership.

fwiw, i started at >120kg and am now just under 100lg (xmas hasn't helped) and i'm pretty lazy about exercise - my food's nothing special but high fat stuff is a specialty now, not everyday. my aim is to get back to 80kg (pre-Uni weight). i still do walking everyday and eat healthy 90% of the time. hint: get a dog, you have to walk at least twice a day and you spend more time outside with it - just avoid small yappy dogs.
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 12:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If you want to lose fat, do cardio.
Don't waste your time doing muscle building exercises like push ups and sit ups.
Jog (if you can, I personally find it the most boring thing in the world to do).
Or find some sport that you enjoy and do it 3-4 times a week.
Basketball works a treat, but even something like table tennis does wonders (you're doing a cardio workout for the entire time that you're playing).
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Forums Junkie

Lost in the K hole
May 2002
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 13:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
try the simple things too:

switch to lite milk and diet softdrink (youll be AMAZED how much this will help)

and when peckish, grab a banana

general rule - anything in a wrapper is bad
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Forums Junkie

August 2004
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 14:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No more fast food
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Forums Junkie

Bayside Melbourne.
May 2003
Re: Exercise Thu, 30 December 2004 14:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Good effort with the smokes... Quitting is not an easy thing to do. 5 weeks means you are well on track... Most of my mates don't last past 2 weeks. I quit this year. 8 and a half months smoke free. Smile
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: Exercise Fri, 31 December 2004 06:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks for all the advice.
I've cut out the hamburgers and moved onto the salads just got to start the walking and jogging now.
Just like lang i weigh in at 100 kg so i'll see if i can';t get it down to 85 or so by march.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Exercise Sat, 01 January 2005 05:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It's a good idea to stretch in the mornings just after you get up. Perhaps go for a run too half an hour after breakfast. That'll start your body up for the day, then whatever you do during the day will burn more energy. When going for the run, don't push yourself too hard. This will help keep you motivated and you'll see the run as something you do just to warm up in the morning rather than some massive challenge every day. Save the big cardio session for the evening.

Muscle building helps you burn fat, and makes you look and perform better. Doing a muscle building work out doesn't burn as much energy as doing a cardio session, but once your muscles build up, your body will naturally use more energy. So weight training can help to losing weight while your NOT working out. Another good reason to do weights is when losing fat, it's easy to lose muscle tone too. So doing weights will stop you from losing muscle.


Pushups: Do 10 to 15, rest, do another 10 to 15, rest, and then do as many as you can in one go.

Sit ups: First up full sit-ups. Lie on your back, legs bent, sit all the way up breathing out, then lower yourself down. Crunches next. Half raise, breathing out sharply. Then do knee touches. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Sit up to touch your right hand to your left knee, then down, then left hand to right knee. Do 6 sets of 10 to 15 (start with 10) alternating between these three.

Star jumps
Grab some light weights (about 3 to 5kg) and do curls and shoulder presses.
Squats (working your legs is good as they are some massive muscle groups)
And walk a lot, as others have said, best form of cardio to lose weight (just time consuming). Another good one is bike riding, as it's low impact (doesn't damage your ligaments in your legs like running and walking does)

As for food, you know what's good for you. It's pretty easy.

Avoid anything with saturated fat. Don't go psycho about all fat. Your body needs some fats to run correctly, so make sure you still get some unsaturated fats.

Greens are great, eat as much of them as you can. As a general rule about a third of your total food during the day should be some kind of green vegetable. Don't over cook the greens either - a bit crunchy is good. Broccoli is great! Eat that lots.

GET LOTS OF WATER <-- that's pretty important. 8 + glasses a day. If you work or spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned place, drink more.

Eat 4-6 small meals a day. Don't pig out on 1 large meal a day. Cook yourself a massive dinner, eat a fourth of it, then chuck the rest in the fridge and have another fourth for lunch the next day, then 3 hours after lunch have another fourth as second lunch. Make sure you have a good breakfast, as this will kick start your metabolism. I, personally, avoid Milk and drink soymilk on my breakfast instead. I do put yogurt on my breakfast though. Check out the food breakdown on the side of the stuff you buy. Look at how much energy they have in them. You wanna keep the energy levels of each meal down, while providing as much good vitamins and minerals as possible.

Breads and Grains
I dunno what nutcase put these at the bottom of that food pyramid we all saw in primary school, but vegetables should be down the bottom, not grains. To be honest I think in our society it's pretty hard to avoid getting enough grain food, so I wouldn't worry about it at all. Don't eat white bread (get multigrain of brown bread instead), and try to get brown pasta.

Avoid sugar. Sugar is just a whole lot of energy. If you don't use that energy (and it takes a while to use up the energy in say a bottle of coke) it's turned right into fat. If you must drink soft drink (and you shouldn't as the carbonation isn't good for you and no, soft drink doesn't count towards your 8 glasses of water a day) only drink the diet ones, as they have very little sugar.

Get a decent amount of protein. Chicken and Tuna are good for this. Protein makes you feel full, so you wont pig out. Drop red meat to a maximum of 1 - 2 servings per week.

Multi-vitamins + other stuff
Grab 500mg of vitamin C a day. More when your feeling run down. Get a general multi-vitamin too, have one a day. I also take a iron supplement, but that's due to my body's inability to properly process iron. Flax seed oil is also good. Take it in pill form though, as the oil itself tastes crap on it's own.

That's all the stuff I've learned. My problem is motivation mainly.

[Updated on: Sat, 01 January 2005 05:39]

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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Exercise Sat, 01 January 2005 06:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
With excersise, a general rule of thumb is to do anything that requires effort :/ yes, that means not going on computer and going for a run, or a bike ride, actually, bikes do wonders!
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its human nature to get more motivated when theres a ball to chase.

if ur too lazy to go jogging or walking etc...take up a game. tennis, soccer, footy etc.....
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne, South East
May 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 04:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If your motivated enough, join the gym or buy urself a gym set.
If you cant afford a gym set, just start with weights. Dont buy too heavy, wen i started working out at home i started with 6kg
(i was 16 at this age)

Whilst i was at the gym i took protein, this found to be very useful.
I recommend the brand 'Max's'
If you do buy protein, you can get meal supliments, which replaces a meal just by drinking this protein, and it tastes nice (if you add fruits and other nutritional values)

Ask the person who works at the vitamin store where you purchase the protein on what would be best for you, and let them know what outcome you want.

I used 'Whey Protein Isolate', which contains very minnute amounts of carbohydrates, hence no weight gain, and a lot of protein (approx 30 - 40g per serving)

Taking this with my diet proved very well:
My diet:
Morning - 9am eat breakfast with cereal (no sugar based cereal such as fruit loops and coco pops etc) something like kellogs complete. Take protein

Midday/Lunch - Pasta/Noodles/anything made of carbs but WITHOUT the flavouring satchets/oil etc. Just cook the carbs and mix it with TUNA, yes TUNA is one of the best sources of protein and it taste great (for me atleast)

3 - 4pm - I usually go to the gym around 4pm after this, after my workout (if you want to know my workout than pm me, coz theres more to it than just 'working out') i take my protein within 15min after my workout.

Dinner (b/w 5pm and 7pm)- Get home and eat any LEAN MEAT for dinner, along with the vegetables (non cooked recommended but if cooked, cooked in olive oil only) than take my protein after this

Recommend not to eat ANYTHING after 7pm, as it does not give enough time to digest the food, and if you sleep around 11pm like i 'used' to whilst on this diet, than it will turn into fat straight away.

I kept this up for around a month, and lost around 8kg of fat, and gained around 5kg of muscle. Results may vary per individual.
After this i went into more 'intense' protein, and thats a whole different diet and lifestyle.

Besides this keep away from your fast foods ie maccas KFC hungry's etc) Once a month is acceptable as i do love my fast foods and i decided to treat myself once a while.
Keep away from alcohol as alcohol is made from fats.

My two cents, good luck to you.


PS: Sports are always good
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August 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 05:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
geezuz. love all the meal plans! lol.

if you really want to loose weight, then it will happen. Very Happy

alcohol is made from fats??? i did not know this. lol

[Updated on: Sun, 02 January 2005 05:55]

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Forums Junkie

On Probation

December 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 06:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Start a productive exercise such as, breaking into cars, then not only can u get chased and run, but you also exercise your creative side by working out hte best way to break in want to steal!
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Forums Junkie

February 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 07:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Choony_AE86 wrote on Sun, 02 January 2005 14:22

Keep away from alcohol


[Updated on: Sun, 02 January 2005 07:20]

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Toy Yoda

March 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 09:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Get to the gym and start meeting people there, then you can arrange to spot eachother etc. If you have an arragement with someone you don't know really well you are less likely to break it, if you are serious about losing weight.

Similar motivation to what i need, except i'm gaining weight (muscle). Once you start seeing the fruits of your labour then you get all motivated again, especially if others notice the difference. But if you do 30 mins of cardio, then weight session and then 20 mins cool down cardio, you will sweat the fat away no troubles.

Depending on what you want to do with your body is the style of weights you do, ie muscle gain would be more power lifting; while toning and losing fat would be lighter weight but increased repetitions.

And lastly if you feel uncomfortable going to the gym start going at a non-busy time (5:00 am) then after you are comfortable there, and have lost some weight/put on muscle, you won't mind going there at normal times. Hehe it worked for me when i was skinny and doing light weights Razz

Anyways the gym is great....i love it, and does anyone go to good-life in Alex Hills QLD by any chance?
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July 2004
Re: Exercise Sun, 02 January 2005 11:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Do at least 30 mins of cardio per night. Jog or ride a bike, but don't power walk - you'll look like a dick.
Try to have a big breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner.
Do these things and you can still drink alcamahol- I've gone from 95 to 82 kg in 3 months and been drinking a fair bit (unfortunately).
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Forums Junkie

theres a castle on my hil...
October 2003
Re: Exercise Mon, 03 January 2005 23:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whenever im drunk after a big night i try jog home non stop from where ever i am. its amazing how far you can jog, if i was sober id last about 1 minute but sometimes ive jogged for almost an hour to get home.
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Forums Junkie

Northwestern Sydney
August 2002
Re: Exercise Tue, 04 January 2005 02:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The single biggest thing that I did to lose some weight was to stop drinking soft drinks as much (like down to 1 can a day with a meal) and replacing with water, OJ (the sugar free sort) and the like. I saw almost immediate results in 2 weeks.
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Forums Junkie

April 2004
Re: Exercise Tue, 04 January 2005 04:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Im in exactly the same position except i smoked enough siggies to kill a small African tribe over NewYears Rolling Eyes

I am at the stage that I have to do some exercise but I have found that some types of exercises dont work for me,like I dont burn fat very well but bulk up super quickly with weights,so to keep me interested I am spending a bit of time doing weights,2-3 times a week but before hand walking to warm up and then walking and stretching to warm down,ontop of this for cardio I am playing squash,oh and carving my super fit mate while doing it Very Happy Very Happy i guess what I am getting at is find out what your body will respond to the best and also what will keep you interested,as this type of shit should be fun and make you feel good.Also dont forget the reasons you are doing it and take time to take in how you feel,I cant believe how I have held down high pressure jobs and gotten smashed every night for the past 4 years as I feel so good now!! I remind myself of that all the time to keep up the lifestyle change...good luck !
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: Exercise Tue, 04 January 2005 04:07 Go to previous message
Tommo wrote on Tue, 04 January 2005 10:51

whenever im drunk after a big night i try jog home non stop from where ever i am. its amazing how far you can jog, if i was sober id last about 1 minute but sometimes ive jogged for almost an hour to get home.

id just faint when im drunk
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