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Location: Perth
Registered: July 2004
Spectre's RA28
Tue, 01 March 2005 08:26
Was comming along quite nicely...

till i got hit by an idiot speeding through a red light...

resulting in this (soon to be fixed and the bonnet etc resprayed)

More photos at: mName=album134&op=modload&name=gallery& ;file=index&include=view_album.php
Current list of mods (oldest to newest):
- New battery (wore it down in 2 days after learning to double check the button to turn the accesories off properly)
- Interior retrimmed in black vynl (plus black carpets)
- XA-XC Falcon mirrors (painted black)
- Monza "Momo Replica" gear knob
- Stereo system replacement (Pioneer MP3 50x4, Pioneer Blade series splits, Pioneer 6x9's)
- Multi Colour Paint Job
- Sparco Racing pedals
- Reclinable black racing bucket seats
- GT Hand brake surround ARRIVED TODAY
This arrived for me today... GT Handbrake Surround!

Any questions just ask!
Big thanks to Clint for all his help too!