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Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 06:34
okay here how it played out, strangely enough on my quiet sedate drive to uni ~as apose to my racey run thru the mountains~ i manage to blow a small leak in the bypass radiator hose, this being a presure hose tends to blow a F load of steam and coolant out it, so i pulled over tothe side of the road when i noticed the steam comming out of the bonnet and and saw the temp gauage in red ~:'( i'm sorry my baby i didn't notice it right away~ so on the side of the road i pop the bonnet and she cooled down quickly so i limped her 2km down the road ~ more then a Km with the engine off.
pulled into the caltex in toowong, call RACQ that said i should be it changed by the mechanic shop on site. who then insisted that i need to change the top/main radiator hose, i reluctantly agreed to that, and refused to let him change the water pump and radiator ~okay he was just pushing his luck like i was goin to get that shit changed at a servo~
got back from uni after i had to catch a taxi thru traffic to St lusia, ~thats a nice $15 trip for like 3-4km's, and jimbo gave me a lift to my car and gave him some fuel money for goin out his way. well heres the break down for hte bill that i think is a little too high for my liking but what can i really do!!!!
2x Hose clamps $ 4.00
1x Radiator $ 19.80
1x Bypass Hose $ 17.70
> Laybour < $ 44.00
so totally 85.50 for 2 hoses and 2 clamps and maybe 2mins or laybour!!!
that concludes dunky's first mechanic shark experience, dare i say that probably won't be the last one. pitty it was so far from my house would have been alot cheaper for me!!!!
| Subject | Poster | Date |
DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Tue, 08 March 2005 06:34 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
rthy | Tue, 08 March 2005 06:38 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
AE86slut | Tue, 08 March 2005 06:43 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
thechuckster | Tue, 08 March 2005 06:57 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Tue, 08 March 2005 06:59 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
AE86slut | Tue, 08 March 2005 07:00 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
smt_007 | Tue, 08 March 2005 07:03 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Tue, 08 March 2005 07:36 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Tue, 08 March 2005 07:39 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Skip | Tue, 08 March 2005 08:32 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
unforgiven | Tue, 08 March 2005 09:45 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Tue, 08 March 2005 13:09 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Skip | Wed, 09 March 2005 00:00 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
thechuckster | Wed, 09 March 2005 00:17 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Anthony Kellam | Tue, 08 March 2005 15:17 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
fade-e | Tue, 08 March 2005 16:01 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Wed, 09 March 2005 15:38 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
BlackGT4 | Wed, 09 March 2005 21:24 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Thu, 10 March 2005 11:21 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
shinybluesteel | Thu, 10 March 2005 12:07 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Skip | Fri, 11 March 2005 00:17 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
RobertoX | Thu, 10 March 2005 22:50 |
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
DunkyMonkey | Fri, 11 March 2005 03:57 |