My Celica's been dead for a while now and I've had it sitting under the carport. I bought another Celica on the weekend that had just had the bonnet and boot painted so I had to move my old green one out onto the front lawn. It sat there for less than 5 days before someone broke into it.
Luckily I'd taken the face off my stereo and got all the cds out when it died. As far as I can see, all that was stolen was a central locking actuator. All the shit in the car was thrown on the lawn and the driver's door was left open.
What really gets me is that I've had that car parked in my driveway in the same easy-to-break-into state for the last 2 years. As soon as I park it on the grass for a few days some bastard breaks into it.
EDIT: Oh shit. They've stolen my 18R-GEU computer. Just chopped it right off the loom. Someone knew what they wanted. If anyone sees one for sale, let me know. I know what mine looked like.
Looks like I'll have to go aftermarket sooner than I thought.