I finally bought a Corolla SX!! I've been looking for 2 years straight for a good standard model...I discovered they are rare in Victoria
Anyway, for the moment it's gone straight to the panel shop for a full respray. It's a red car with badly faded paint, so I was hoping to respray it black, but the guys said that would cost me heaps more and be a lot of work. So we settled on a nicer 2-pak red and the best thing is it will only cost me $1000. But the catch is I have to prepare it in his workshop.
Annnnyyyyywwwaaay.......while that is all happening, I'm thinking about the engine conversion I'll be doing (4A-GZE turbo-charged). I'm trying to do it on a budget, so I'm thinking whether I need a half-cut or not? I think that I could do without the standard computer (using EMS hopefully) and gearbox. Basically I want to know from people's experience whether the standard corolla sx gearbox can be mated to the GZE engine, and whether it can handle the extra power?