I'm trying to remove the cylinder head from my 3TGTE engine, and have removed manifolds, cam cover and I'm up to the bit where you remove the chain. The 2TG engine manual I have says to just remove the pins in the cam gears (after rotating the engine to #1 TDC) but those pins seem to behind a fat bolt with large lip around it so I can't pull them out. Could this mean I'm not actually at TDC?
One problem is, I am having huge difficulty rotating the engine as the main crank pully has a custom crank angle sensor attached to it with 4 bolts instead of the usual bolt in the centre. So I'm using a metal bar in between 2 of the bolt heads to turn the engine over. (Very painful there must be a better way of doing this).
If anyone can share any advice on how to get the 3TGTE's cam chain off it would be very much appreciated. Thanks.