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Location: Camden, NSW
Registered: June 2002
DRUGGO TRUCK DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:28
I swear on my life this guy was on goey or poppin e's or something.... heres the story:
I just left home wid my mate n g/f in da car bout to go back to her house... i turned onto narellan road near the narellan maccas and recognised some1 pulling out of mitre 10 so i waved (as u do) neway just as we were driving under the bypass this truck pulled over on me almost running me off the road n im like wtf!!! ok then musta been an accident cos he didnt see me... then next thing i know hes tailgating me about 2cm's from my car n using his compression brakes to stop millimetres from my car. So here i am in a tiny sprinter wid 2 passengers n this big mother of a truck tailgating me, we all decided to get away from him... so at the roundabout near the new indoor centre i went infront of a car and so there was now a car between me and the truck n so he preceeded to tailgate that car untill it got out of the way n then floored it passed me and got a fair way infront... i thought YAY hes gone but no.... he slows down so i get behind him at a reasonable distance, thinking nothing of it i then glanced at my cd player to switch songs and SSSSCCCRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHH i glance back up n have to lock my brakes up as i see he has just done it for no reason!!!!!
So now im pissed... i drop it into seccond n tear past him and just my luck i get stuck at da fkn lights to turn towards macarthur square off narellan road... the truck pulls up just infront of me in the other lane n hes swearing n shit but looked like he was drugged out... so i let him go n get right off him...he goes into glen alpine too so im thinking ok he will be i slow down n then turn around a little bend n there he is sitting on the side of the road.... i thought he would try pull out on me... so i floor it n get it to about 130 to go past him n i fly by him as he tries to pull out... neway now i was going ok...what if he follows me so i turn down the round about n head toweards my g/f's place n luckily for me he didnt follow!!!!
What was dis guys problem? if i see him next time, ima gonna jump outta my car wid my clublock n beat the fuck outta him just for scraing the shit outta my girl... noone does that n gets away wid it!!!!