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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Wed, 02 November 2005 11:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hokey wrote on Wed, 02 November 2005 22:00

Are you guys heading out to eltham and christmas hills? great road between eltham and kinglake. it starts off long and sweeping then comes to a T intersection take the road to kinglake and you are in heaven Very Happy

Maybe, as mentioned in first post I won't announce any details of location in this thread, if you want details add me to msn.

hokey wrote on Wed, 02 November 2005 22:00

btw is this going to be a cruise cruise as in slow or a cruise as in racing through the tight corners?

No comment Smile

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May 2002
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Wed, 02 November 2005 23:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hm thinkin about it .. i should really do something about my brakes, ahh, fade is just horrible!

prolly see you guys there. Smile
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>>ae82 stlye<<
Occasional Poster

October 2005
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Thu, 03 November 2005 00:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rollon wrote on Wed, 02 November 2005 20:32

>>ae82 stlye<< wrote on Thu, 27 October 2005 20:48

would it be cool if an ae82 twin cam 16v came along? Very Happy

need to meet some other 4age owners in melbourne...

I'll step up for the ae82 call out.

thats they way! calling all ae82s Laughing
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Thu, 03 November 2005 04:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey ill come!! bout time there was a night cruise i can actually go to!

st165 gt4. pretty damn stock. 96kw at the 4 wheels so its no monster.

hopefull by then ill have the whiteline works kit installed, so somewhere with twisties would be great! Smile

prob bring my brother in his ae82 100kw twincam too. hes not on these forums tho.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Thu, 03 November 2005 04:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
>>ae82 stlye<< wrote on Thu, 03 November 2005 11:59

rollon wrote on Wed, 02 November 2005 20:32

>>ae82 stlye<< wrote on Thu, 27 October 2005 20:48

would it be cool if an ae82 twin cam 16v came along? Very Happy

need to meet some other 4age owners in melbourne...

I'll step up for the ae82 call out.

thats they way! calling all ae82s Laughing

i might have to take the ae82 out... if i get to replace the suspension
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>>ae82 stlye<<
Occasional Poster

October 2005
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Thu, 03 November 2005 06:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
take the ae82 out!!!! Evil or Very Mad
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Thu, 03 November 2005 06:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Noooooo need more RWD goodness!


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Ballarat, Vic.
September 2002
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Thu, 03 November 2005 15:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
gonna see if i can borrow a mr2 for the night. If no cruise up with a mate or something.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 07 November 2005 11:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so this is still going ahead right?
my bro is comming in his ae82 100kw.
doesnt have a user name yet, but call him daniel.
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 07 November 2005 12:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yep should be all good, if in the off-chance my car still isn't running, (Although at this stage I'm willing to shell out a whole lot of money to GET it running.. So there is only a 1% chance it won't be), I'll hitch a ride with someone.

Everyone PM me and I'll hook you up with the meet address tomorrow.

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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 01:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
at this rate... i might have to take the ae95... to balance things out with all the fwd and rwd ness Razz
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 01:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Argh 8 days... I still have to organize shit...

Pm's now being replied

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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 08:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Is there a map/route set now?

This might be a good way to say farewell to my car. Have to christen it for the new buyer. More details would be great.

Need to organise things like
-tow rope
-radio allocation

i remember the old school toyota cruises... they did turn out to be quite disasterous so being prepared is a really good idea. Three years down the track it still brings shivers down my spine.
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Forums Junkie

May 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 09:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oi Kev, Give me some details, I may tag along, LSD and slotted disc rear end a go go.

Its real nice.


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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 11:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
OK pm's sent.

I will be bringing my toolbox, it's not much but has everything needed for everything I've done on my car so far, so should be well sufficient. I'll also bring a big chunk of a torch. I'll try to bring a towrope aswell, but if someone else can, that would be great as I don't think I'll be able to take one from here... (Moving back to melb the day before the cruise).

Everyone REALLY try to bring a CB radio. I've gotten lost on a cruise before and believe me it ain't fun, especially when you're one of the ones that doesn't have a melways in the car... Either bring your own, borrow one, or buy one, they are $40 from Jaycar which ain't a big pocketbuster and is well worth it.

As you can see in the maps, the starting point for the cruise is listed differently on the cruise map than the meet location map, this will be adjusted and printouts will be supplied on the night, it ain't a big adjustment...

I'm going back through the thread now to PM anyone that I don't think has the maps yet, so expect a PM.

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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 11:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Time to meet at the meeting point: 11PM
Leaving for the cruise: 12 Midnight

Any people that leave late or get stuck in... traffic (lol), give me a ring on the night 0401 372 024 and let me know when you'll be getting there. Don't want to leave any later than 12:15AM.


[Updated on: Fri, 11 November 2005 12:49]

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February 2005
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 12:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
12pm?? i thought this was gonna be a night cruise... im assuming this will cruise will be largely based around the east-northeast areas

would love to cruise around the hills around over ther... but thats way to far for me n too late as i hav to work at 9am and still need to study for exams Crying or Very Sad

maybe next tym

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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 12:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hehehe yeah I probably should rename it to morning cruise or something.. but it is being held on a Saturday so I couldn't see too many people having a problem with it.

Bad luck on the whole work thing Sad.

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Forums Junkie

Ballarat, Vic.
September 2002
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 16:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Vic toyota cruises ALLWAYS end up with atleast one crash (even minor ones) and atleast one car blowing something. With that time i think its safe to count me out. Sad next one guys.
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Fri, 11 November 2005 23:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Aww Sad. Actually only 1 out of the 5 cruises I've been on had a problem, and that was Stradlater shattering an axle on the way out of Silvan Reservoir carpark... Again much bad luck for that man Sad

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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sat, 12 November 2005 01:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
y dont we have a f00ly sik cruz don at chaples yo

but we all have to buy VL's for $500 Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sat, 12 November 2005 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah bro fooly, lets do that bro, fooly omg that'd be hektik bro.
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Forums Junkie

Colac, Victoria
May 2002
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sat, 12 November 2005 07:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wont be coming as ill still be racing in adelaide ..

plus have to bed in the new brakes and such on the gt4 before she gets a hitout , as soon as i get back ( summer cruising preps )
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sat, 12 November 2005 09:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Np Stu, hope to see you at the next one then Razz

I've sent the maps out to all people that have a post in this thread, but if you also are looking to come along, drop me a PM.


[Updated on: Sat, 12 November 2005 09:52]

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Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sat, 12 November 2005 11:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
have to cancel probably... engines going in for tune, and i still havn't got my guards rolled...
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sun, 13 November 2005 13:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ive got a friend who would really like to come too. he drives an sv6 commodore, 6 speed manual. should be a good challenge for u supercharged 4age's.

hes not a typical dickhead commodore driver, hes like 25 ish.

any objections?
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sun, 13 November 2005 21:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Personally I don't have much of an objection, but I'll let the others reply. Yay or nay Wink

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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Sun, 13 November 2005 23:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sv6 manual! woo00ttt i want (they are the allowtech ones ey?)
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 00:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah sv6 alloytech 190kw.

last cruise we went on together was the MCCR one, and that was so fukn week it wasnt funny. so boring. nice cars but so boring! im hopeing the rolla boys have a little more fun!!

the sound of like 10 4ages screaming round at 7000rpm is gona be mad!
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 00:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
carsanactra wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:32

the sound of like 10 4ages screaming round at 7000rpm is gona be mad!

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 03:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
b1gb3n wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:58

carsanactra wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:32

the sound of like 10 4ages screaming round at 7000rpm is gona be mad!


Not as mad as my one B18C hanging around 8000rpm. Razz

BigBen, I need your old muffler. Wink
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 04:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Not as mad as a Formula Atlantic 4AGE at around 12000RPM Smile

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Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
July 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 05:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Not as mad as a 317,000kms old 4ac screaming to 7500rpm Razz
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 07:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DAM ur 4AC!!!! my gze is now useless ARGH
time for 4AFE power Evil or Very Mad (edit) @6200rpm Shocked Shocked

[Updated on: Mon, 14 November 2005 07:09]

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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 07:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shraka wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 14:28

b1gb3n wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:58

carsanactra wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:32

the sound of like 10 4ages screaming round at 7000rpm is gona be mad!


Not as mad as my one B18C hanging around 8000rpm. Razz

BigBen, I need your old muffler. Wink

which one?? Embarassed
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 08:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
b1gb3n wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 18:28

Shraka wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 14:28

b1gb3n wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:58

carsanactra wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 11:32

the sound of like 10 4ages screaming round at 7000rpm is gona be mad!


Not as mad as my one B18C hanging around 8000rpm. Razz

BigBen, I need your old muffler. Wink

which one?? Embarassed

The MASSIF one for extra VTEC noisyness. Razz
And I'll take my filter box appart.

(Yes I know you probably sold it with your car, it was a joke).
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 08:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have the quiet crappy one if u want Razz
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 10:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if any1 has a quiet muffler for that will pass an EPA test for an AE82 twincam, im very interested! damn epa!

on another note, phrostbyte the map looks very general, do u have particular steets and routes u want to take? cause u sure cant see them on the map? or we wjust gona play follow the leader!
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 12:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have a nova sedan one, which is pretty much the same, but not sure if it will fit the hatch
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 12:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah the map is pretty general, but the pink line does go over certain roads the whole time, so we will be following those roads. But yes on the way out of Melbourne it will most likely be a follow the leader type thing.


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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 12:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'll probably bail half way. I gotta work the next day. Razz
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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 12:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
u work sunday?? monash sucks Mad

im sure i can tempt u to go the whole way if im in front of u Razz

4 throttles is better than one u know Razz
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 12:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oooo I smell a challenge Smile 20V vs B18C Very Happy

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 12:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
b1gb3n wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 23:25

u work sunday?? monash sucks Mad

im sure i can tempt u to go the whole way if im in front of u Razz

4 throttles is better than one u know Razz

Oh... it's on a saturday... I thought it was on a week day. :S My bad. I'm in the whole way. Very Happy
And as if you're gonna be able to get in front of me. Pfft.

Phrostbyte wrote on Mon, 14 November 2005 23:27

Oooo I smell a challenge Smile 20V vs B18C Very Happy


We did that already. I won. ~8.5 seconds vs. 7.3 secibd 0-100.
We never did get lined up next to eachother properly though. I think I should go down to the drags and get a timeslip for my stock DC2. Smile
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 21:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message

*cough*front wheel drive*cough* Atleast Ben can use his power for better things Very Happy. Lol jk man, you're car pwns.

Very Happy

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Forums Junkie

S.E suberbs, Vic
December 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 23:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
how long do you expect this cruise to take?

I may just drop in to see you guys leave
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 23:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
3-4 hours i believe. You should come Sam Razz.

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S.E suberbs, Vic
December 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 23:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
with what? me and my dad and a tow rope? I dont want to drive my corolla, its tricky to drive without slipping the clutch around town let alone when I am going through some hills.

Also I dont like driving long distances at the best of times, sorry, to top it off I would have to drive back to Sunshine when I am finished.

[Updated on: Mon, 14 November 2005 23:56]

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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Mon, 14 November 2005 23:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
3-4hrs Rolling Eyes my gze will catch on fire in the first 30mins Confused
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 03:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Phrostbyte wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 08:26

*cough*front wheel drive*cough* Atleast Ben can use his power for better things Very Happy.

I got owned. Crying or Very Sad FWD sucks balls. I wouldn't want ANY more power than I have without an LSD in the front. And after an LSD, I wouldn't want more than about 110fwkw before wanting either AWD or RWD. I'm really starting to notice it now. Sad Ohwell, time to save for a JZA80. Very Happy

[Updated on: Tue, 15 November 2005 03:25]

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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 06:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hell yeah biatch Very Happy
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May 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 07:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Phrostbyte wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 10:50

3-4 hours i believe. You should come Sam Razz.


I was under the impression that this cruise is about 550kms....

Thats a shitload of driving.

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I Supported Toymods

Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
August 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 07:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Rallystanza wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 18:02

Phrostbyte wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 10:50

3-4 hours i believe. You should come Sam Razz.


I was under the impression that this cruise is about 550kms....

Thats a shitload of driving.


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S.E suberbs, Vic
December 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 07:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what would I go with though Kev? my corolla doesnt have enough clutch left in it for the trip and my dads skyline has more bodyroll than a boat. How many people do you have for sure?
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 07:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yian wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 03:06

Rallystanza wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 18:02

Phrostbyte wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 10:50

3-4 hours i believe. You should come Sam Razz.


I was under the impression that this cruise is about 550kms....

Thats a shitload of driving.




From the eastern burbs doing the same route , but coming back the war****** hwy to mar******* hwy its 530ks from my door . That equals , one tank of fuel , half a set of tyres , and takes 3.5-4.0 hours i would guess but really haven't taken much notice . Apparently the record time is 2.5 hours but i know nothing about this its only folk law in this area .

Last time i went that way there way a chopper landing at the bottom of ***ton , taking away a biker that had a head on with a 4x4 . Thank goodness at that time of day there will be no bikers to slow you down or avoid as there cross to your side of the road . Bloody bikers out for the once a month sunny sunday ride learn to ride you ****ers , no wonder there have made that area a biker black spot and spent loads on fixing the road . Just watch out those people with hard suspension , there is one long sweeping corner which has three set of large humps though the corner . That corner claims bikers all the time , if your car starts drifting onto the other lane on the first one back off as the corner tightens and the humps get larger . Takes a well set up car to double that corner's suggested speed . So take care there people , hope all goes well and watch out for takumi delivering at that time of night .
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S.E suberbs, Vic
December 2003
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 07:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Better not wipe out Takumi, who will all those ae-86 drifto guys aspire to be like if that happens?

I would of been interested in going if it was like a fraction of the length, a little earlier and my sprinter (the non drifting one) was actually running.
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Forums Junkie

May 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 08:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
improvedae86 wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 18:38

Yian wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 03:06

Rallystanza wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 18:02

Phrostbyte wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 10:50

3-4 hours i believe. You should come Sam Razz.


I was under the impression that this cruise is about 550kms....

Thats a shitload of driving.




From the eastern burbs doing the same route , but coming back the war****** hwy to mar******* hwy its 530ks from my door . That equals , one tank of fuel , half a set of tyres , and takes 3.5-4.0 hours i would guess but really haven't taken much notice . Apparently the record time is 2.5 hours but i know nothing about this its only folk law in this area .

Last time i went that way there way a chopper landing at the bottom of ***ton , taking away a biker that had a head on with a 4x4 . Thank goodness at that time of day there will be no bikers to slow you down or avoid as there cross to your side of the road . Bloody bikers out for the once a month sunny sunday ride learn to ride you ****ers , no wonder there have made that area a biker black spot and spent loads on fixing the road . Just watch out those people with hard suspension , there is one long sweeping corner which has three set of large humps though the corner . That corner claims bikers all the time , if your car starts drifting onto the other lane on the first one back off as the corner tightens and the humps get larger . Takes a well set up car to double that corner's suggested speed . So take care there people , hope all goes well and watch out for takumi delivering at that time of night .


Do you mean if i go on this cruise my car will start drifting!!!

OMG i Have been waiting for this moment!

Count me in,


[Updated on: Tue, 15 November 2005 08:31]

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February 2005
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 08:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
damn this cruise sounds like its gonna b heaps fun... cant wait to hear about the stories the next day
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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 11:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Heheheh, yeah should be awesome.

improvedae86 wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 18:38

Just watch out those people with hard suspension , there is one long sweeping corner which has three set of large humps though the corner .

I was taken by a corner EXACTLY like that, that's how I wrote off the first KE70. Apparently there had been 8 accidents there in the 6 months before I crashed there... I think the council have finally fixed it now though.

One rule for this cruise...

Don't Tailgate

In fast touge situations, sudden braking manouvers will be happening often (Some of us have upgraded brakes, which will stop us faster than some peoples stock brakes), and the last thing we want is one toymodder running into the back of another toymodder, and then the toymodder behind that running into the back of that toymodder etc etc...

All in all it should be a fun night. I'll say it once again BRING A CB!!!!!! lol.

Edit: My cousin will be riding passenger with me and will be bringing a night vision video camera, so video's will probably be up within a few days after.


[Updated on: Tue, 15 November 2005 11:52]

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Forums Junkie

I Supported Toymods

south Melbourne/KL
June 2004
Re: November 19th Night Cruise Tue, 15 November 2005 12:17 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Phrostbyte wrote on Tue, 15 November 2005 22:50

Don't Tailgate


Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad

nobody will get to see the b1gb3n special Sad
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