apparently they dont stop too well. or maybe they jsut need better drivers
i was driving on king gorerges rd heading south. car in front of me stopped quicker than i thought it was going to so pushed the brakes a bit harder to pull up the old rona, watched the car behind me like i always do and he pulled up ok, hear this massive screach and think hmmmmm CRASH and then the dude behind me was bumped forward into me.
no damage to my car at all hahahaha. some stupid chick driving the local mitsubishi yards demo car totaled the front of her car into the back of the commodore that was behind me.
if your blonde, under 25, female, and planning on buying a 380 soon, the insurance jsut went up a bit
anyways corona is still battling on had my camera but couldnt be fucked taking photos before i gave my details to the commodre driver and left them sort the rest out for themselves.