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Location: Balranald
Registered: May 2002
Melbourne F1
Thu, 06 March 2003 06:13
G'day everyone
I was wondering if anyone from here was going to wander over to the Melbourne Formula One GP this weekend?
I am 99% sure i'm going to go. Will be only for the Saturday though. Apparently there is a show & shine there too. Wonder what kinds of cars are going to be there?
I've never seen an F1 car before so i'm sure i'll be in for a shock to hear the noise of them. I've been to the Indy a few times when I lived up there and they blew me away.
I was wondering if the $80 general tickets are worth it? Thats all I got at the Indy and they were all you needed because you got nice and close to the action and at most of the circut. The Albert Park track looks asthough the people are a long way from the track...can you see if your a "walk around" person?
See you there