how's it going lads over here we're addicted to doughnuts as the cops are easier going and there are no penalty points its easy to see why there popular unfortunaley the irish insurance system isn't as good it costs me 4500 dollars to insure a ae86 3rd party and i'm 26 with clean licence and clean driving history so high powered rwd are out cos of insurance and there are no v8's in ireland cos of petrol prices
because there so good at doughnuts prices are crazy for an ae86 over here 20,000 dollars for the best cars (come standard with lsd and 4age over here)
anyway my girlfriend is aussie and she's anxious to get back to australia as i'm not familar with aussie cars can anyone tell me what standard and very cheap car can perform good doughnuts i mean tight circles i'll need something so i won't get withdrawl!!!
if anyone whats to see me doing doughnuts in my ae86 around a barrell and another ae86 check out