SilyKa's Profile |
Date Registered: | May 14, 2002 |
Post Count: | 29 Post(s) (0.00 average posts per day)
Status: |
Occasional Poster
Last Post: | Wed, 03 August 2005 12:50 LEXUS LS400 FOR SALE |
Email: | [Click here to email the user] |
Referred Users: | 1 Members |
Gender: | Male |
Location: | Sydney |
Occupation: | Hating SilyKa |
Interests: | Toyota motorcycles (Yamaha) |
Biography: | finding reasons to hate SilyKa in particular the model RA60, its the worst of the lot.
My goal is to get Toymods to accept and recognise Yamaha as a toyota bike...and allow me to be a member owning a toyota bike...after all Yamaha is owned by toyota..and most of th performance engine are from Yamaha engine developement.
One day...I have a dream..a dream that Toyota bikes are recognised as equals and be treated the same as its bretheren cars....allow the same previlege and membership as toyota car owners and stand proud. |
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