dan05k's Profile |
Date Registered: | September 14, 2005 |
Post Count: | 7 Post(s) (0.00 average posts per day)
Status: |
Last Post: | Wed, 07 December 2005 10:10 Re: EOI: 4age carby set-up |
Email: | sendit2_dan@hotmail.com |
Gender: | Male |
Location: | robbo |
Occupation: | toyota technician |
Interests: | cars, matrtial arts, |
Biography: | i work for a toyota, hyundai and honda dealership as a technician. Own a ss commodore ute as a daily driver and my toy is a highly modifyed, ex rally ta22 celica. |
Date Of Birth: | October 19, 1982 |
MSN Messenger: | sendit2_dan@hotmail.com |
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