big JON's Profile |
Date Registered: | September 07, 2004 |
Post Count: | 262 Post(s) (0.04 average posts per day)
Status: |
Avatar: | ![](images/custom_avatars/7189) |
Last Post: | You do not have appropriate permissions needed to see this topic. |
Email: | [Click here to email the user] |
Referred Users: | 1 Members |
Homepage: | |
Gender: | Male |
Location: | Adelaide |
Occupation: | Personal Trainer |
Interests: | Motorsport, Cars, having fun |
Biography: | Im a fairly outgoing guy, happy to meet new people, always up for a cruise, or a social gathering. Self confessed car nut at heart. |
Date Of Birth: | February 28, 1985 |
MSN Messenger: | |
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