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Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: gze and lightened flywheel
Wed, 07 May 2003 05:31

Not quite.... a GZE flywheels weighs about 6Kg, whereas a RWD one weighs about 8 - BUT the rotational inertia of a GZE one would be much greater due to its design, as revs rise. BUT at low RPM, it would be in effect lighter - GZE's sound somewhat healthier when you free rev them.
Just HOW light is this flywheel of yours? I recently got one made up for mine, it was supposed to be about 4kg, but came back at 7... I wasn't quite happy, but slotted it in anyways. The result being that throttle response is a bit like a wet sponge.