At first tapping the starter motor while starting the engine was enuff, Then we realised it was the battery, only to find that there were a million other things wrong with it. With 5 accidents under its bumper and 17 good years on the road, my father thinks its finally time we get rid of the rolla ! I dunno if i can let go of it so soon! Its not like im throwing away a piece of junk. My lil corolla seca has been like a friend to me. Now for those of u who can actually understand the pain im going through ... help me ... where can i take my lil baby to get him fixed for good. Is it 2 late for him ? Can u recommend any toyota smash repairs that wont make a dent in my bank account the size of the one on the back of my car ??
help me ppl , im desperate ! oh and plus, i cant afford a new car anyway !