The best thing would be is to open up the computer and find out what the pinouts are. I have seen a pinout diagram floating around here and it is not even close to what mine is. this is mine.
I am sure you have found this
this diagram is only a rough guide. don't think it has to look like this because it is not 100% accurate, but gives you the general idea of how it all works.
I have use 3 relays. one main one to give power to the ECU, Injectors, AFM and other relays. The other 2 are for the fuel pump. The first is to give the fuel pump power by the earth that comes from the AFM. But this means if the AFM is opening and shutting at start-up the pump will be turning on and off so I haave used a second relay to give the first relay and earth when you are turning the starter motor.
apart from the wiring to the sensors. I have used the ignition wire from the key assembly to turn the power on at the main relay and the starter wire from the key for the 2nd fuel relay.
You will also need the starter signal to be connected to the "STA" pinout that also goes to your cold start injector curcuit.
And the last thing is to connect the "IG" pinout to the "-ve" sin of your coil. Or just connect this to the tacho wire. this give the ECU the timing for the injector pulse.
apart form that you can just connect all the earths together and ground them somewhere on the intake manifold. Have I missed anything??
If you want to cheat with the wiring just find a toyota that has the early 22re in it and get the complete wiring loom. all the connectors are the same size and colour and make it a hell of a lot easier and neater.