I agree that there are probably equals numbers of bad men and women drivers, but the difference i feel is this, and this is my opinion only.
Men kind of know they are doing something stupid and tend not to do it ie burnouts where public safety is at risk (yes there are manyexceptions to this). So when you get road rage, they get the idea they have stuffed up and either stop or get really pissed off. But men have a terrible tendency to tailgate and cut in on your space! But thats ok because i have a terrible tendency to slam on my brakes!
Women tend to drive in either a state of nervousness (asian women in mercs JEEZ -SUS! Lookout!) or in lar lar land and not giving a shit. If a women driver stuffs up and you inform her, I find they get really defensive, and abuse you . But is doesnt matter if there in their SUV sitting up your arse! It still your fault from their perspective!