i got my hands on a 2tg fuel pump, he says that the arm things are a little longer than the 2t ones. he will be giving it to mee free of charge so i can wack it on and hope it does the job well. yeah he says that 2tgs drink alot of fuel soo sometimes the general electric ones r not sufficient to do the work.
i think that is wat is happening now with this Electric fuel pump! cause 2day i got the Choke hooked up, and when i run the engine with Full or even half Choke i dont get any coughin or poping from the Carbies!even after been warmed up and once i turn choke off, and after 10 secs or so, the Carbies start to pop and cough at about 2k-3.5k
I dont think Running the engine with choke on will be very effienct haha but i think i might hav to do it all the way to the my Mechanic!