If you want to put a 2tg in a KE20 you will have to get a Hydraulic clutch set up, custom engine mounts and a new sway bar made. I was fitting up my 2TG in my KE25 and i found the motor is about 70mm longer then the 5K and it would hit the sway bar. A T50 gearbox out of a TA22 bolted up and so did the tail shaft if you have a manual car. You will have to cut a new hole for the shifter. If i did not already have the 2TG i would of got a 4AGE and run it on twin carbies as the block of the 4AGE is the same as the 5K and it will clear the sway bar and the gear box will still bolt up. If you run a 4AGE with injection there is a lot more work but you will have a car that runs smother and gets much better fuel economy. The 2tg will be cheaper to get in and running but the 4GAE will be better set and will have more potential. either way it will be much better then the 3K or 5K.