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Location: qld
Registered: December 2003
Re: 4agze choice
Wed, 04 February 2004 23:40

LSD stands for limited slip differential. get the lsd one. youll be happy you did. an lsd in very simple terms means, when you feed the front wheels alot of power, instead of one wheel spinning, the diff locks or tightens ( feeds power evenly the both wheels) giving you more traction. 300 isnt much to pay, some people here spend well over $1000 to get an lsd into their cars. and thats probably atleast what youll pay if you decide you want one at a later date.
as for engine mounts, some of your stock ones can probably be used as the blocks are the same, but youre best bet is to speak to the place you know of that does engine conversions about the whole conversion, and the costs involved.
| Subject | Poster | Date |
4agze choice
toy_machine69er | Wed, 04 February 2004 23:23 |
Re: 4agze choice
slydar | Wed, 04 February 2004 23:40 |
Re: 4agze choice
THE WITZL | Thu, 05 February 2004 00:14 |
Re: 4agze choice
toy_machine69er | Thu, 05 February 2004 00:23 |