With a 165 motor with stock internals I have run over 30 psi for 2 years and when I pulled the motor down all the bearings looked as good as new as did the pistons , The head gasket is the problem at the higher boost , The only reason I pulled my motor down was to deck the block so I could run a steel head gasket , as the head and block has to be dead flat to use a steel gasket , I also put a set of ARP head studs in , The steel gasket I am now using is a genuine Toyota gasket for a ST 205 ( $98 ) I also put a new set of ST 205 pistons in ( $382 ) I have been running 26 psi since the rebuild and have no problems , With this boost I,m putting out 272RWKW .
Remember no matter how strong your pistons are DETONATION will kill them !!