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Location: Ipswich
Registered: May 2002
Re: Electrical problem - help?
Wed, 28 April 2004 13:27
All good (sort of). Turns out I think the thermostat is stuck open, the car takes FOREVER to get to operating temperature (well I am guess it is operating temperature). Basically if I sit and let the car idle for awhile then the temp gauge slowly goes up, when it gets to the line about 1/3 the way up (where it's supposed to be operating temperature in a normal KE35) the thermofan kicks in for about 8 seconds, drops the temp a fair way down and then goes off. Even if it's hot all I have to do is drive down the street and even with the thermofan off the temperature drops amazingly quickly.
That radiator you made ROCKS, ben The top overflow hose leaked today though, and the water isn't really very pleasant. Will drop it when I change the thermostat, and I've put a hose clamp on that overflow hose too.
I bypassed the circuit breaker (I think it's faulty, it kept opening even when the engine was off), and there's no more fluctuations in the voltage either (well, not for the 30 minutes or so I was running the car).
So yes, will endevour to buy another circuit breaker and see if it will still do it with a new one in place. Else, all is good I think.
What is the normal operating oil temperature for a 4AGE?
| Subject | Poster | Date |
Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Tue, 27 April 2004 21:13 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
Cool1 | Tue, 27 April 2004 23:52 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Wed, 28 April 2004 00:21 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
Cool1 | Wed, 28 April 2004 00:32 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Wed, 28 April 2004 00:46 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
Cool1 | Wed, 28 April 2004 02:04 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
Alchemist | Wed, 28 April 2004 03:09 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
SoarerFury | Wed, 28 April 2004 03:18 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Wed, 28 April 2004 03:13 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Wed, 28 April 2004 03:27 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
people100 | Wed, 28 April 2004 10:11 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
Cool1 | Wed, 28 April 2004 03:29 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Wed, 28 April 2004 03:55 |
Re: Electrical problem - help?
demuire | Wed, 28 April 2004 13:27 |