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Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Registered: September 2002
Re: Help with buying Mr2
Thu, 06 May 2004 05:53

Price: The weird thing i found was that people were expecting you to pay as much for a n/a aw11 as for a s/c aw11, why would you pay that much for a n/a when you could get the s/c
Things to check: Common spot for rust is wheel arches, Where the spare wheel is put into the Frunk. Damage to the front lips is common (damn basterds of things), the targa tops leaking is common (i've got a small leak passanger side) but that is common for most targa toped cars anyway.
Insurance: due to insurance companies being nazi's, Im paying 700ish for 3rd party fire and theft (off the top of my head) with rating 6 (even though i should be on rating 2 or 3 at worst).
for more information you can try, <--- International mr2 board, heappppppppps of info there. on the "yahoo groups" site sign up to the "MR2" board (australian mr2 forums) also check out
Happy hunting 