Location: was adelaide now newcastle
Registered: February 2003
Re: is it me or...
Sat, 08 May 2004 23:46
on the topic of drivers........
adelaide drivers apparently have a reputation of being crap and inconsiderate, ie dont let you merge etc....
after moving to newcastle, let me assure everyone that this is not true.
things that piss me off....
1) only about 40% of drivers indicate, whether turning a corner, pulling over, or merging.
2) id say the same 60% don't know how to use a round about
3) fu#@ers always enter choked intersections during "peak hour"
4) a large majority drive at 10-15kph under the speed limit even when signs showing the limt appear every 100mts., these same bastards do this in either lane not the left- i can handle that just dont crawl allong next to another slow car so that people who know what the pedal on the left does can't pass.
5) for a "city" with so many hills you would think that people would know how to cope with going down them, not ridding the brake travelling at 10kph under the limit the whole way. just slip your fu@#ing auto into "2" godammit.......
adelaide drivers are not perfect by any means but they breach less of my 5 golden rules less often than you're average newie driver.......