stacked my racer doing about 50-60 kmh around a round-a-bout
briused most of my right side and butt
shreadded the shyte outta several layers of skin on right leg knee arm elbow and hands( even thou i was wearing long sleave shirt and jeans )
suprisingly for this happening in bansktown i had several ppl stop and get outta their cars to ask if im ok and offer assitance ( muchly appreicated ) only to encounter a bunch of unaustralian idiotic morons coming home a few days later from gf's on a train out of rush hour to ensure adequate seating to keep my leg streached out and flat and were unable to comprehend this
simpsons style morale to this story
homer = exercise doesnt pay
marge = you find help where you dont expect it
bart = your a dumbarse for coming off your bike
lisa = your a dumbarse for expecting compassion in the community