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Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Trouble logging onto Toymods? Anyone else????
Mon, 05 July 2004 04:04

I'll quote Sam's email.
Quote: | OK in case everyone's not aware, the situation is as follows:
Originally, domains were maintained under a different system than the, etc. domains. In July, 2002, an organisation called the AuDA was formed to take a regulatory role in the management of all domains in Australia, including domains. Up till then, domains where handled by a Registrar, but since this was not the case with domains, .they were transferred to the AuDA as their "registar" by default. I put "registar" in commas since the AuDA isn't really a registar as such, ie. you cannot make changes to your domain like redelegating and such. On the up side, they also didn't charge any fees either.
Anyway to cut a long story to be less long, unbeknownst to me the AuDA determined that all domains that were registered before July 2002 must be transferred to a Registrar of our choice before 30 June 2004, otherwise it would be shutdown, so to speak. They had a notice on their website, which I was unaware of. They probably sent an email letting us know, but it would have gone to, which has been inactive (it's active now, and I have the details from Luke).
The current situation is that I've submitted a transfer request to PlanetDomains, and it's still in the state of "Waiting Administerative Approval" or something or other. I was hoping that this might happen over the weekend, but nothing has, so I'm hoping it happens today sometime. If I don't see any change by lunch time, I'll start making some enquiries. You can check the status by going to and typing in the domainname and funny letters.