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Location: Newcastle NSW
Registered: June 2002
Re: urethane engine mounts
Sat, 07 August 2004 03:24

ok i got the rolla out on the road today and there is a slight difference in vibration but the only bummer is at low enging revs the rear view mirror shaking is soo bad its like i had a ful sic stereo pumpin . its nearly impossible to see out.
the company i used is Newcastle Urethane Services, in cardiff NSW they quoted me $40 each mount to strip and fully rebuild opposed to $40 for 4 just preping and filling.
i havent found any company selling the mounts pre made since theres such a huge variety off different mounts out there it wouldnt really make commercial sense.
they quoted me $40 each mount to strip and fully rebuild opposed to $40 for 4 just preping and filling.
heres their full details-
Newcastle Urethane Services
Unit 4B, 44 Munibung Road, Cardiff NSW 2285 Australia
(P.O. Box 2, Warners Bay NSW 2282 Australia)
Telephone (Intl): IAC 61-2-4956 5100
Local: (02) 4956 5100
Facsimile (Intl): IAC 61-2-4956 5764
Local: (02) 4956 5764
Noel Stephens
Dennis Stallard