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Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Tempre Tyres
Mon, 27 May 2002 11:32

I realise I might cop some flack for this But I can't stand places like this !! Personally I prefer the Old fashion wheel and Tire places. (Such as Ace Tyres at St Mary's or Marks n Wallings at Ryde) I have had no bad dealings with either Tempe Tyres or Australias Best other tha the fact that they happily will sell you the wrong wheels and Tyres. Hell they could not even tell me the OD of the tyres I was Pricing !!! I mean Bugger me haven't they heard of legal limits ??
It seems that these "NEW" tyres places have no regards for your safety, rego or insurance. I mean Sure I can get a set of cheap arse Chome 16" x 7" rims with ultra low profile wide rubber and they may even be the cheapest. Mind you if I''m defected the next day because they are not a legal fittment is it really a cheap set of wheels and tyres !
I know is all great to get that big rim tiny tyre look happening but I prefer to shop somewhere that has my best interests and not the content of my wallet as its main focus. I like it when I say what about this (Say 16" rims on a TA22) and the guy says we can BUT I strongly reccomend against it because of X Y and Z not Sure no worries but I need an Angle Grinder and they will foul on my stearing !!!!
Sorry I guess I am just getting old !
Oh and in Case you were wondering I got exactly what I wanted in a legal fitment from Marks N Wallings. They just took the time to look into it !