It just seems silly to pull it off the car, pull it completely to pieces, and then reassemble it with all the old bits when I can spruce it up for a minimal cost.
A tow home is $70 and the last alternator I rebuilt (which I think is sitting in your garage... it was off my 2S) was something like $130 anyway. If it's kaput in a month or so I'll be awful pissed off when I am out of pocket $200 and have the car off the road plus the inconvenience of being stuck on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck, and having to get the alternator to someone, and then having to get it back. I guess there are three options:
* do only what you have to
* do what's sensible
* go overboard
I'd rather fall into the middle category and 'waste' the money now than have the car break down on me at a later stage. The alternator looks rather dated so I'd say it's never been apart and is well and truly due for some lovin'...