At first I just thought that ST165s were mega-toasty engines and slightly above-centre water temp readings were a result of poor air-flow design.
Of course, as it got progressively worse I realised the problem was probably not so simple...then the car finally decided to actually 'overheat'. At this stage I already knew that the fans weren't kicking in at the right time, so the thermostat was disconnected to keep the fans running, and a quick peek down the cap while the engine was running showed that flow was a bit of an issue.
The car goes off to Jaustech, and here's the bitch - the top tank has gone Colonel Kurtz - it's gone up river, and it's not coming back (read : it's stuffed!).
So I need a new one right? Well it appears they aren't so easy to get, I can nab one from japan for a wait of a mere 2-3 weeks, there's the remote chance that someone will be nice enough to part with it from a front cut...
Or - does anyone know if a 185 or 205 radiator will fit or any others?
I put up a WTB in the WTB section, so if anyone has a spare 165 radiator then that solves the problem...but if I ever need another one (this car will get rallied eventually) I'd like to know if I can shove anything else under the bonnet.
I did a search for 'gt4 radiator' and came up with diddly in regards to this q.