Slight hiccup with the wheels - the adapter plates I was going to use are illigal in NSW Looking at putting the cash towards a head rebuild instead now.
Dunno how many kms the engine has done - I'd guess between 100k and 150k.
Timing belt has been done afaik.
I was planing on going for the 2 grand option, so a grind is included on the head. Only basic block preparation though - scrape clean, and stone-grind (i think where they rub a knife-sharpening stone kinda thing over it a few times to help polish it a bit). If there are any major pits or holes, I'm going to be in trouble though, regardless.
In terms of the metal head gasket - if I'm going to be looking at about 14-15psi, should I go for the 1.2mm gasket or the 1.4mm gasket?
So back to Neales wheels ?
Have you had it confirmed that the head is supect, or are you being precautionary ?