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Toymods Club Treasurer

May 2002
icon5.gif  Nominating for board positions Tue, 18 January 2005 03:58 Go to previous message
I discovered last night after asking a few questions, that I have an issue with one of the rules in constitution relating to nominating for board positions.

From what I understand, a person is only allowed to nominate for one position only.
While I can see some logic in this, there is a downside that I'd like to bring up.

The best way to illustrate this is what I was planning.

I have been considering nominating for the treasurer position. Mos, due to no fault of his own, had previously been having troubles keeping up, and so, to possibly allow him try a different position, I was thinking about having a go, so to speak.
I think I've got the necessary skills to do it; good with figures & budgeting, plus works hours that 99% of the time leave late afternoons, evenings, & nights free to dedicate to whatever I'd like to do.

I asked Mos about this at the club meeting just gone & he said he would be renominating for this position.
Fair enough, and considering that he has previously been carrying out this role, a much better chance of being re-elected than I would be of being elected.

Now here comes the problem.
If I nominate for this position, and then lose in a vote, I CANNOT try to be elected for any other position and would have to wait another full year to try again.

I can understand the dilemma of people nominating for multiple positions, and then possibly being elected to multiple positions though. A suggestion to fix this would be for that person to have to choose between the positions offered to them, and the one not chosen would have to be re-voted to get a different person. But this could add time to the AGM.

I would also suggest a capping of nominating for 2 positions to lessen the chance of multiple elections to positions.

This would give a person like me a chance to nominate for say, both the treasurer's position (to see how I'd go), and also for an ordinary member's position (as a possible fall back & to allow me to dedicate some time to having a say in the running of the club, something I'd like to dedicate some of my time & effort to doing)

I understand that this is pretty short notice, and don't expect for the situation to change before the AGM, but leave it for your consideration.

Sorry about the long post, but I couldn't figure a way to make it any shorter.

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Read Message   Nominating for board positions  wagonistTue, 18 January 2005 03:58
Read Message   Re: Nominating for board positions djcougarTue, 18 January 2005 06:42
Read Message   Re: Nominating for board positions THE WITZLTue, 18 January 2005 07:54
Read Message   Re: Nominating for board positions djcougarTue, 18 January 2005 08:16
Read Message   Re: Nominating for board positions JoshstixThu, 20 January 2005 03:29
Read Message   Re: Nominating for board positions wagonistThu, 20 January 2005 04:29
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