Can't help you with partial throttle openings.
In a race trim about 14º to 18º advance at idle. About 32º of total max advance by 3500-3700rpm. All this with wide open throttle. (This was just a very rough guide indeed.)
Less 'racy' cam and street tune benefits from having partial throttle opening ignition management sorted out. Makes more power, is more economical, engine does not hesitate to throttle usage.
Have the problems sorted out on a chassis dyno. Even if they cannot tune it right, they should be able to tell you just how many degrees your ignition is off from ideal advance prorgression curve. (This in a case you have say a distributor dizzy bolted on).
This is kinda reversed engineering, but it's one way to get a grip on problems your engine has.
At least after such dyno session you have the answers to make your engine work well.