Looking for a Passionate and Loving owner to part with their Celica!!
I have had stock cars but never had a Modified Celica. So would want it as close to show as possible,All Modifications welcomed..Engine,Turbo's,LSD,Brakes,Shocks etc PLUS Any other finishing touches like Remote central locking/Alarm/Interior etc. I like the Ta22's but have a Love for the 23 & 28's
I am not a time waster...I will pay the right price for the right car within reason
Please note! I'm in the United Kingdom and would take care of all arrangements for shipping etc. I purchased from OZ before and can provide details if you want to verify my Trust Profile with the seller
If you can help?
Have anything you think will interest me?
Know someone who can?
Then PM me or Email: celicasoldier@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance for all who help and a Warning to any Scammers I will do my homework on you !!