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Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Toymods
Wed, 16 March 2005 04:30

The job of a moderator is a thankless one, as your levels of appreciation for our work clearly shows.
We do this is our spare time. It is physically impossible for us to see absolutely everything on these forums, which is why we have the "report message to moderator" link in every post, allowing the forum populus to point the moderating team in the direction of threads/posts which other members feel require our attention.
If you have problems with certain posts on the forums, please by all means use the report to moderator function - otherwise how can you expect us to pre-emptively know everything?
If you had a specific problem with the way that the forums are run, then why not at the VERY LEAST email the board with your ideas/complaints, or better yet become a financial member of the club and actually have a say in things. After all these forums are owned and operated by the Toymods Car Club Inc for the benefit of its members.
However i will say that with the kind of attitude and personality you have displayed today I would NOT want you in my car club, you represent many of the things we are NOT.
It's simple - if you dont like the forums, then you are free to leave. Posting on the Toymods forums is a privelidge, and not a right. If you really think you have some feedback to give, then do so via the correct medium. Email the board, attend a club meeting, become a member etc etc.
Remember that these forums exist for the following reasons:
PRIMARILY: for the benefit of the Toymods Car CLub Inc financial members.
SECONDARILY: to harbour, promote and encourage a greater Toyota community.
Please keep these goals in mind when you are trying to argue your case to the Toymods Board.
TOPIC LOCKED. Further action pending the decision of the Toymods Board.