Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004
Re: 4age Coolant Ratio
Wed, 23 March 2005 13:41
IRA11Y wrote on Wed, 23 March 2005 22:35
secondly, the colour of the dye bears no relation to what chemicals are used in the coolant, its not the dye that reacts its the chemical reaction based on the ingeredients and the alloy composite ( just so we are clear dye does NOT form a chemical reaction with an alloy )
try not to spend your whole life with your head buried in the sand
I completley agree with you that it is just a dye but there is a reason the dye the coolant that colour.
Nulon RLL is recommended for use in all vehicles that use a red or orange coloured coolant. Nulon RLL is principally designed for use where OAT coolant is required. It is particularly suited for use where AS/NZS 2108.1:1997 Type A, GM6277M or Toyota TSK2601G specifications are cited.
So that its easy to differenciate between different types of coolant for different specifications.