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Registered: August 2002
Re: DRIFT AUSTRALIA Round 2 Mallala *Results*
Tue, 19 April 2005 03:52
The Clash of the Titans. This was always going to be interesting. Two guys that were driving extremely well but both driving styles and vehicles were vastly different. No question, the crowd favorite was Afro's borrowed C.A.P.A Supercharged Ute. However, Beau Yates was driving incredibly well.
Even V8 enthusiasts from the other Race categories were lined up against the fence awe struck by Beau's massive corner entries off the front straight. Through the first part of the track there was not a lot in it. However, Technical considerations with respect to the Ute's hand brake set up meant that Darren felt more comfortable swinging the car all the way up the straight to flick it into a big entry.
You can imagine with a beast making over 1000HP the point of entry for the corner at the end of the front straight tended to vary and this turned out to be one of the deciding factors in the fist run. The second run was much closer. In car camera footage would reveal later that the Ute was making that much smoke up the straight that Beau could hardly see were he was going. An excellent run from the C.A.P.A Ute but the run was won in the first part of the battle.
How good are these guys? Stewart Furze in the Noltec entry up against Dwayne May (Major sponsor required). It was Autobarn Drift Battle at its finest. Both cars - Nissan 180SX's, both new comers and both with lot to prove to them selves and the Judges. They didn't disappoint, where one car would get the advantage at the start of the battle the other would make it up at the end of the course.
Both Runs were extremely tight. In the end, the results were split by less than 1 point in Stewart's advantage meaning an instant death re-run was in order. The next run was just as close. Just .6 of a point separating them going into the final run but unfortunately mechanical problems put Stewart out of business conceding the run to May. It turned out to be a very minor problem with the fuel system (Fixed in 5 min) that's racing!
Heralded by many as the 'grudge match' sarcastic words of encouragement (Not) were exchanged between these two rivals before the race... However, Fortune favored Mark Philips in the PPG, Philips' Lighting entry when Kelly McKinnon's Evil R32 Blew a cooler pipe during the drag to the first corner. Despite Kelly's mechanical dramas he had it fixed it in time to let loose in the expression sessions and showed everyone his true form.
One of the epic battles of the day and certainly one of the highlights. Josh Young in the AE86 against the ever impressive Michael Spencer. The Battle was extremely tight. It was predicted that the drivers were evenly matched and that it would probably go Spencer's way because of his advantage in power. Never underestimate the Hachi Roku! (AE86 Sprinter).
Josh Young leading the charge stuck it to Spencer in the first run with some aggressive drifting with super sharp transitions. Spencer seemed to lack the speed advantage that was expected. True to previous form Spencer was not going down without a fight. Coming back in the second run with big entries, excellent line and angle to tie that battle. In terms of speed and angle both were better in different parts of the course but the resultant 5/5 speed score revealed that 'ain't everything'.
Spencer's line and angle coupled with aggressive style cemented his comeback. In the instant death re-run it was a one sided affair Michael Spencer proving once again too good with a clear victory.