CrUZida i agree with you 100%, I cant see the point of the brake test as im not supposed to be travelling any quicker than the speed limit am I?
I took the car over the weighbridge yesterday it's original Tare with the diesel (taken from rego papers) is 1760kg. Weighbridge showed 1700kg w00t! lost some weight
This is what my letter from DPI says
The consultant's report is to address the following items:
3. Capability and suitability of the braking system to absorb the extra speed potential, a brake performace test loaded to the manufacturer's GVM to confirm compliance with VSR brake requirments.
I find the extra speed potential part a bit rich, they are implying that im going to be braking the law on regular occasions
Anyhow Ive just ditched the engineer I was going to do all this with, he is not very coherent! Im now contacting the same guy as mitch used.
supra1978: Thanks for the info mate, where did you dig that up from? The 1945kg doesnt sound right for a car with 4 passengers a full tank and some load considering the tare is 1760kg. So id say 2210kg is more on the money.