i was talking to someone from this forum on MSN and it went something like this....
Person X says:
If I knew how to grow the HERB I would, as it's more economical
Person X says:
and i would have told you to get into it for a while so we can both have good cars
Allan says:
Person X says:
I mean, if i knew how to grow the green in a hydro thingy it would be all good... but I don't... If i did, i would have 3x MA61s and 2x JZA80s in the back yard
Allan says:
hydroponics is easy...
Person X says:
but trying to grow the tree without trouble is hard
Allan says:
keeping your mum out out the shed, priceless
Person X says:
yeah, and the good car would have to come out of the shed
Allan says:
ahh well for everything else theres credit card fraud