Hey guys and girls,
I'm new here, so hi My name is Sera and i own a (you guessed it) Toyota Sera. She is beautiful 1990, dark mica grey.
Anyway my problem is this,
When (generally) going at high speeds (80km/h) my car doesnt want to change down a gear in order to get enough power to go faster.. it just keeps going in the gear its in and shudders. To make it change down or up a gear at these speeds i have to put my foot flat to the floor to make the engine rev to about 5000rpm in order to make it change gears. If i dont put my foot down on the eccelerator it just shudders until i either back off or go faster.
What could this be? and is it cheap to fix?
Could it be a faulty sensor on the ECU, or something wrong with the solonoids?